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Journalism and Technical Communication

 Options: Bachelor's

 Locations: Main Campus

General Information

The journalism field is changing dramatically—but the foundations of good writing, investigation, and reporting remain unchanged. Join the journalism revolution!

The journalism field is all about communicating today's events and the people involved in them accurately, directly, clearly and without bias. Journalism is built on a foundation of solid writing, editing, investigation, research, and reporting skills. Whether the medium is a print newspaper, social media outlet, magazine or video/audio podcast, a journalist must ensure accuracy and ethical reporting of information. These skills are also fundamental to effective communication within all sectors: business, industry, government and education. That's why our journalism B.S. degree is a part of our professional writing B.S. degree. Students develop their writing skills in all areas, with their focus on journalism settings.

What Will I Study?

A foundation of writing, editing, and journalism. Our graduates can write effectively about anything, any time, any where, for anyone—in any format!

Why Choose This Major?

The journalism program is unusual because it is a "track" of our professional writing program; thus, giving students broader experiences and abilities—and career flexibility.

What Are Graduates with This Major Doing Now?

Many of our journalism grads are working in "traditional" journalism environments: community newspapers, magazines, television studios, etc. Others have applied their education and skills in public relations and marketing arenas as well as corporate-communication settings.

Program Spotlight

Students working

For More Information

Garrett M. Stack, Pd.D.
Program Coordinator
Phone: (231) 591-5869
Email: [email protected]

Journalism and Technical Communication: Ferris State University Course Catalog