Office of the President
1201 S. State Street
Timme Center, CSS 301
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Congratulations to —
I would like to nominate Melanie Kimpton for a "Pat on the Back" award. Melanie has met the challenge of stepping up to the plate in the dean's office at the College of Business as the temporary receptionist and all around "Girl Friday". Her "can do" attitude, efficiency, and outgoing personality has been a huge asset while the search for a full time replacement was underway. The department office appreciates your effort Melanie!
I would like to nominate Dawn Cassel, Honors Program Support Staff, for a Pat on the Back Award and these are the reasons: dependability; professionalism; pleasant; attention to detail; calm . . . and is not afraid of work and not afraid to try new things. Great Job Dawn and THANKS!
I'd like to nominate September Howat for a Pat-on-the-Back award. I'm forwarding an email that the Grand Rapids office received regarding September's service to our students. September is an Admissions Officer and always puts students first - prospective and current. She constantly considers their needs and does what she can to be sure they have the best Ferris experience possible.
I would like to nominate Nate Canute, Matt Gates, Corey Potter, Jannes Sanders and Shilah Vaughn - all student employees of the FLITE Public Services Department for taking on the tremendous task of cleaning up the public notice board which is between FLITE and Vandercook. In the 8 years we have been in FLITE the wall has never been cleared of staples, pins, nails, tacks left on the board after the notices were removed and over the years it has become an unsightly mess. It was one of those jobs where no one realized just how bad it looked until it was cleaned. Thanks team for helping our campus put it's best foot forward.
I would like to nominate Tara Ison. She has taken the extra initiative to compile a ton of information into a reference manual. The Business Office and Student Service Center have to know a lot of different information for students and she is making it easier for everyone. Thanks for all you do!!
Lynn Lewis has been immensely helpful in designing new management tools for the instruction librarians at FLITE. More importantly he has been helpful and patient with every step of the troubleshooting process while we prepare to implement these new tools. I've called him many times and he always takes a minute to help me fix problems.
I would like to nominate Becky Prunty and the Communications Center. Besides the millions of questions that they answer daily, they have made the second floor of the Timme Center a greener place! They have voluntarily created a recycle bin for our floor and will take it to the local recycling center for us. Becky and her crew do so many thankless jobs. From folding shirts, to giving tours and lots of mailings, and that's when they are not on the phone. Thanks guys, we are proud of you!
We work with great people here at Ferris. One in particular took time out of a very busy day to extend a kindness to a colleague who was have a rough day to say the least. That kindness made all the difference and I would like to nominate Rosemarie Van Ham for a pat on the back for taking the time to just be thoughtful.
I would like to nominate members and support individuals of the 125th Geocaching Team for a Pat-on-the-Back. For the 125th Geocaching Event, it has been a privilege to serve with all of the steering committee members witnessing first hand all of their hard work. Members have been dedicated to meetings throughout the summer and the testing and placement of caches' so that others who participate after Founder's Day and through the next academic year will be able to experience some history of Ferris State University using satellite technology. Thanks to committee members Court Borgman, Jim Cook, Jody Gardei, Jennifer Johnson, Mary Kay MacIver, Randall Schroeder, Rick Saliers, Randy Shanks, Jennifer Thede, Lee Weaver, and Stacey Weaver. Also, a big thanks to those that provided additional support for this committee to Christy Breggs, Mark Eichenberg, Bruce Hammond, Kent Kachaterian, Pat Klarecki, Lindsey Miller, Larry Schult, Walt Smith, and Al Williams. Last, but not least, thank you to those who have placed caches' at the third stage to enhance this experience. In addition to the five third stage cache's placed by committee members, four additional cache's have been placed by Amy Buse, Jon Coles, Dan deRegnier, Liza Ing, and Warren Hills. Well done all!