Office of the President
1201 S. State Street
Timme Center, CSS 301
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Congratulations to —
I would like to nominate Stephanie Patton, AM Cook at MASCAR GRILLE, for a Pat-On-The-Back Award. Many of our employees are terrific at producing healthy and delicious meals, but, may not be quite as skilled with a computer. Stephanie has taken her fellow team members under her wing and is teaching them all about the world of the internet, e-mails, and how to access pictures of their kids and grandkids. She has helped coordinate their efforts with the TAC Center to work out all their bugs. The next step is to teach them about our computerized menu management software. Great job Steph! Thanks for going above and beyond the call of duty and for caring so much for your fellow employees.
I would like to nominate Professors Robert Krueger and Kim Hancock from the College of Pharmacy for taking time out of their busy schedules to help the Academic Advising Team get access to a locked classroom and computer support for a presentation on February 10. Dr. Krueger saw me in the first floor hallway at 8:30 in the morning and asked if he could help in any way. When I said I was trying to get into room 303, he came to the third floor with me, opened the door and showed my visitors how the lighting in that lecture hall worked. Dr. Hancock joined us and, without any prompting, called tech services to make sure that the presentation for the morning could proceed as scheduled. While I don't think that this is unusual at Ferris, the fact that two pharmacy faculty could be so generous with their time and interest impressed both me and our visitors and it sure made my day easier. Thank you both.
I think that Maryanne Guenther and Kelly Normand deserve a Pat on the back for a job well done. They did a great job reorganizing our office and making it more efficient. Thanks women!
I would like to nominate Angie Mishler for a Pat-on-the-Back. Angie is always willing to help co-workers and recently has taken extra time to teach some of us new processes to better serve our prospective students. Angie often takes the initiative to learn new things on her own and then passes that knowledge on so that we can all benefit from what she has learned. Thanks Angie!!!
I would like to nominate Dan Spedowski "Spud". Spud is our custodian in University Eye Center. He has done amazing things over and beyond his job. Our patient waiting room is a square room with chairs and tables. Spud will move chairs and tables around time after time to change the look. It is amazing what he can come up with. It makes our day to look and see what he has done. He also noticed many boxes stacked up which were in our way, he left a note saying he moved them to a place out of the way. What a nice surprise. Thanks Spud, you make our day and we appreciate everything you do.
Our new custodian Vickie Edmonds is doing an awesome job here in Bishop Hall. The office floors have never look this good! Thank you Vickie for all your efforts..they are appreciated.
I want to nominate one of my students for a Pat-on-the-Back Award. The e-mail excerpt below makes the nomination and explains the reason.
Rebecca Feigenblatt, an Integrative Studies major living in St. Louis, MO, offers the following praise for Janelle Shoup, an English Education major living in Custer, MI: "I am not sure if this is the time or place to say this... however, I wanted to make sure to point out an amazing classmate of mine. This weekend I realized that I was missing the last two books of this anthology. So in the midst of freaking out I e-mailed Janelle (someone I have never met but I have had another class with her and we e-mail back and forth occasionally.) Without batting an eye, Janelle scanned the pages needed for the assignment this week and sent them to me. If anyone sees Janelle, please thank her for me, she saved my sanity, and certainly improved my evening. Dr. H, if you give out good student of the week awards, she really does deserve it this week." These students are taking my on-line LITR 352/English Literature 2 class, their second together, and they have never met face-to-face.
It is my pleasure to nominate Bob Horner from the Technology Assistance Center for the Pat-On-The-Back award. For extended period of time, Bob has provided diligent assistance and courteous follow up on a variety of technology related concerns. He always manages to find an answer regardless of what challenges he faces. Thank you for the exceptional service and keep it up! On behold of CPTS-GR and Pharmacy-Offsite, big THANK YOU!
I would like to nominate Shirryl Sanger, our custodian in the Alumni Building, for a Pat-on-the-Back Award. Shirryl is always happy, kind, and caring. She always goes the extra mile and when asked to do an extra project, she goes beyond expectations and completes the project with true pride in her work. It is always a pleasure to see her come in at the end of the day to start her night. She is very highly respected by the staff in the Alumni Building and we all appreciate her very much! Thank you Shirryl!