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By working toward full inclusion in course design, you minimize the need for accommodations, which benefits both the instructor and the student.

Below are a few of the most common disability barriers in traditional course design and some alternatives that benefit everyone. The following examples were created by University of Arizona:

Barrier  Impact Inclusive Design Impact
Timed Exams
  • Students and faculty must arrange individual accommodations each semester
  • Student must test in a separate location
  • Student will not have access to faculty during exam to ask questions

Consider alternatives to traditional assignments:

  • Shorter, more frequent assessments
  • Online assessments or projects where time is not the essential element
  • All students have equitable testing experience
  • All students have time to complete assessment in original learning environment
  • Redesigned assessments may increase time available to teach
Inaccessible Course Materials

Students may fall behind when s/he cannot access materials

Faculty must work with DARC each semester to procure accessible materials

Students must wait for access

Ensure PDF’s are accessible

Order textbooks that have electronic options

Provide course materials in multiple formats

  • Students can access course materials in multiple formats (print or electronic) so they can maximize learning
Written Lecture Content 

Students must rely on technology or another individual for class notes

Faculty makes course content available to entire class

  • All students have materials to enhance their learning and studying