University Archives
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Collection Title: Roy Newton Papers
Creator: Newton, Roy
Dates: 1875-1976
Abstract: Roy Newton (1904-1974) held a variety of positions at Ferris Institute including faculty, dean, publications director and Alumni Director. His papers include his research and writings, as well as materials collected from his professional activities.
Language: English
Quantity: 12.0 cubic feet; 8 records center boxes
Identification: UA 9.1.50
Repository: Ferris State University Archives and Records Management Program
Roy Newton was born on 12 February 1904 in Cordele, Georgia. He grew up in Blakely, Georgia and Red Springs, North Carolina. Newton did undergraduate work at Trinity College (now called Duke University) between 1920-1921 and then earned an A.B. from Asbury College in 1925. He later did graduate level work in education at both the University of Kentucky and the University of Michigan.
He came to Ferris Institute in 1926, at the salary of $150 per month. He taught psychology- but not the behaviorist theories that Ferris disliked. Roy Newton was to serve in a variety of administrative capacities throughout his 42 year career. Some of his positions included: founding dean of the Junior College, coordinator of the Veterans Program, founder and director of the Student Personnel Bureau, Alumni Secretary and Publications director. He taught courses in the junior college, psychology department, communications program, and in education. Newton had a strong interest in Ferris history and created a small museum which burned in the fire of 1950.
Newton took a brief absence from Ferris in the 1930s to take a few graduate education courses at the University of Michigan. He also left Ferris during World War II and served as a production specialist for the Nash-Kelvinator Corporation in Lansing, Michigan. In August, 1945 he was laid off. Subsequently, Newton became the Assistant Director of the Adult Education Department for the Kalamazoo Public Schools in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Newton returned to Ferris in 1946, and remained there until his retirement.
Roy Newton wrote extensively. Among his earliest writings were short stories for magazines, or articles on topics such as hypnosis and personality. The interest in personality theory lead to a book entitled How to Improve Your Personality which was published in three editions by McGraw Hill between 1940-1965. His poetry was published in several Michigan poetry association journals. Newton composed several pieces for Ferris Institute relating to study skills for students. Newton also wrote an unpublished family genealogy book on Giles Newton and various articles relating to the history of the English dictionary.
Roy Newton retired from Ferris Institute in 1968. He was awarded an honorary LL.D. at Commencement in 1968. He passed away in July 1974.
Newton married Dorothy Crammond in 1927. He had met her while they were both students at Asbury College. While interviewing for his Ferris position, Woodbridge Ferris told him he would be married to another women within the year, but he remained engaged to Dorothy Crammond. She was an accomplished musician who arranged the Ferris March. They had three sons: Jim, David and Glen.
Roy Newton served Ferris Institute (renamed Ferris State College in 1963) in a variety of capacities between 1926-1968. As a faculty member, dean of the Junior College, alumni secretary, or the head of the student personnel bureau, he was deeply interested in preserving the historic record. He created the first hall of history for the schools, which unfortunately burned in the 1950 fire.
The Ferris Institute subseries includes correspondence, newsclippings, and reports relating to events and programs of the school. Correspondence includes three presidents: Ward, Brophy and Spathelf. There is also material relating to the courses taught by Newton such as: Communications Skills, Educational Measurements and Tests, History of Modern Education and Personality Improvement course. Newton's involvement with publications such as an article in Inside Michigan, or the 1957 Dedication Day events are also in this subseries. Apart from a historical 1896 newsclipping, the records are generally related to projects Newton was directly involved with. There are campus maps and reconstruction notes following the 1950 fire. Of special interest are the class schedules from 1955-1958 which predate the official class schedule book.
Between 1943-1946, Newton held two jobs outside of Big Rapids, Michigan. He was not eligible for the military, and took a position in Lansing, Michigan at the Nash-Kelvinator Corporation. This subseries contains information about the plant, about the job and also about unions and general World War II background material including publications and correspondence. Newton also held a job at the Adult Education Department of the Kalamazoo Public Schools between 1945-1946. This subseries contains information on adult education programming and also on veterans institutes (both similar programs to projects Newton instituted at Ferris Institute).
The research and writings series includes background research, notes, drafts and final copies on a wide range of topics. Some writings related to his job such as the Suggestions on How to Study. Other articles were on topics of interest to him such as hypnotism or comics. The series contains drafts of articles submitted to journals in the 1930s. Some were never published. Information about Newton's extensive research in comics and dictionaries is available in this series although the collections are elsewhere (the comic book collection is held at Michigan State University and the dictionary collection at Indiana State University). The dictionaries files include one on Newton's self-declared "war" on the Merriam-Webster International Dictionary for vulgarities. There are also numerous files on Newton's book entitled How to Improve your Personality, which was published in three editions. Files include correspondence, notes, drafts, galley proofs, and teacher's manuals. The series also includes poetry- both self-published and in Michigan poetry journals.
The final series consists of personal and family records which do not fall into the categories of professional activities or research and writings. The records include personal educational records, such as yearbooks, grade reports and papers. It also contains biographical information (an autobiography), awards and material relating to Newton's brief career as a book dealer. Family records include correspondence, genealogical information and material relating to his wife Dorothy Crammond Newton. There are also some objects including a 19th century slate, scrapbooks and handwritten cash account books.
The papers are divided into three series:
The Roy Newton Papers are open for research to all users in accordance with University Archives and Records Management access policies. It is available in the reading room of the Ferris State University Archives.
Requests for permission to publish material should be directed to the University Archivist. It is the responsibility of the researcher to identify and satisfy the holders of all copyrights.
Copyright interests for this collection have not been transferred to Ferris State University. For more information, contact the University Archivist.
Below are a list of names, organizations and subjects relating to the collection. Names have been taken from Library of Congress Authority headings whenever possible.
University Photograph Collection
Footnotes and bibliographic references should use the following format:
[Item], Folder, Box. Roy Newton Papers. Ferris State University Archives. Big Rapids,
An undated, unsigned gift agreement has been found with the collection. An appraisal of the artifacts which makes reference to a 1981 book, has been included so the materials were received prior to this date. A note by archivist Larry Martin also makes reference to the auction held on 26 July 1981. The collection has been separated after arriving in the University Archives. A comic book collection of approximately 1100 items were transferred to the Michigan State University Special Collections Department in 1992 with the agreement of David Newton.
The Roy Newton Papers were processed to the folder level by Melinda McMartin Isler in January 2007. A finding aid was prepared in a word processing format and converted to EAD 2.0. A collection level MARC-format record was prepared and placed in the library online public access catalog. Description was based on Describing Archives: A Content Standard (Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 2004).
During processing, duplicate materials were discarded. The comic books were transferred to Michigan State (see Provenance note). The photographed had previously been removed and integrated into the University Archives photograph collection. Publications and reports from other units were removed to those collections. Books and periodicals were reviewed, and either added to the library collection or discarded. A bookcase owned by Woodbridge Ferris, and a phrenology bust are stored separately with the objects collection.
This collection consists of papers, photographs, and bound volumes in a variety of sizes. No specialized software is required for viewing.
Professional Activities consists of approximately 4.875 cubic feet of records. These records relate to the various professional positions held by Roy Newton and are split into subseries for each position.
The subseries are arranged alphabetically by institution name.
This subseries consists of approximately 3.0 cubic feet of records. The records include correspondence, reports and publications.
The records are arranged alphabetically by name, title and function.
Box | Folder | Contents |
1 | 1 | Advertisements; brochures. 1932-1962; undated. |
1 | 2 | Advisement and counseling program. Report. Undated. |
1 | 3 | Advertising campaign. 1949-1950. |
1 | 4 | An Adventure in Service: The Story of Ferris Institute. Article. Ca. 1950. |
1 | 5 | Assemblies. 1954. |
1 | 6 | Big Rapids, Michigan. Ferris Institute as an Asset to the Community. Report. 1955. |
1 | 7 | Big Rapids Pioneer. Anniversary issue. 27 September 1960. |
1 | 8 | Big Rapids Pioneer. Michigan Week article. 3 May 1954. |
1 | 9 | Board of Control. Resolution. 1941. |
1 | 9b | Borst, Russel. 1952. |
1 | 10 | Brophy, Bryon J. Notes. 1950-1951. |
1 | 11 | Business Educator. Photo of Collins, G.W. September 1912. |
1 | 12 | Business English. Course. 1950-1951; undated. |
1 | 13 | Calenders. 1953-1954. |
1 | 14 | Catalog. 1938-1953. |
1 | 15 | Causes of College Failure. Report. 1967-1968. |
1 | 16 | Class cards. Undated. |
1 | 17 | Class record notebook. 1958-1959. |
1 | 18 | Class record notebook. 1959-1960. |
1 | 19 | Class record notebook. 1960-1961. |
1 | 20 | Class record notebook. 1961-1962. |
1 | 21 | Class record notebook. 1962-1963. |
1 | 22 | Class record notebook. 1963-1964. |
1 | 23 | Class record notebook. 1965-1966. |
1 | 24 | Class record notebook. 1966-1967. |
1 | 25 | Class schedules. 1955-1958. |
1 | 26 | Classroom numbering. Report. 1946. |
1 | 27 | Communication Skills courses. Analyses. 1957-1959. |
1 | 28 | Communication Skills 101; Communication Skills 102; Communication Skills 103. Course. 1957-1963; undated. |
1 | 29 | Communication Skills subcommittee. 1959. |
1 | 30 | Community Adult Education. Brochure. 1959. |
1 | 31 | Continuing Education. Course. 1966. |
1 | 32 | Correspondence, annotated. 1926-1940. |
1 | 33 | Council of Deans. 27 January 1953. |
1 | 34 | Dedication Day. Carlisle Hall; Science Hall and Trades and Industrial Building 26 October 1957. |
1 | 35 | Dugas, Joseph H. Correspondence. 1961-1963. |
1 | 36 | Educational Psychology. Course. 1952; undated. |
1 | 37 | Educational Test and Measurements. Course. 1940-1950; undated. |
1 | 38 | Employee identification card. 1973-1974. |
1 | 39 | English 101; English 102; English 103. Course. 1966-1968. |
1 | 40 | Enrollment data. 1884-1954. |
1 | 41 | Executive Committee. Notes. 1951. |
1 | 42 | Extension and Adult Education division. Report. 1937-1938. |
1 | 43 | Faculty data. 1954. |
1 | 44 | Ferris Alma Mater. Arranged by Newton, Dorothy. |
1 | 44b | Ferris, Woodbridge. Library. Correspondence. 1953-1954. |
1 | 45 | Ferris, Woodbridge. My Memories of Woodbridge Ferris. Article. 1952. |
1 | 46 | Ferris Institute history articles. 1947-1962. |
1 | 47 | Ferris Institute license plate. Undated. |
1 | 48 | Fire of 1950. Campus maps post-fire. 1950. |
1 | 49 | Fire of 1950. Reconstruction notes. 1950. |
1 | 50 | Fruehof organ. Correspondence. 1962. |
1 | 51 | Grooming Clinic. 1941. |
1 | 52 | Highlights of Ferris Institute History. Article. 1961. |
1 | 53 | Historical documents; notes. 1945-1976. |
1 | 54 | History of Ferris Institute. Merrill, Karl G. Article. 1952. |
1 | 55 | History of Modern Education. Course. 1951-1963; undated. |
1 | 56 | History of Modern Education. Course revisions. 1960. |
1 | 57 | History of Modern Education. University of Michigan course. Jackson, George. Class notebook. 1934. |
1 | 58 | History of Modern Education. Student notebook. 1956-1957. |
1 | 59 | History of Modern Education. Student work. 1955-1960. RESTRICTED. |
1 | 60 | How to Punctuate. Handout. 1963. |
1 | 61 | How to Study. Leaflets. 1960; undated. |
1 | 62 | Inside Michigan. Article. 1961. |
1 | 63 | Junior College. Annual reports. 1938-1942. |
1 | 64 | Leave of absence slip. 1955. |
1 | 65 | Library. Donations. 1941-1967. |
1 | 66 | Library. Dictionary display. 1967. |
1 | 67 | Mecosta County. Maps. Undated. |
1 | 67b | Michigan Historical Society. 1951. |
1 | 68 | Michigan Adult-Youth Conference. 1935. |
1 | 69 | Michigan Commission on College Accreditation. 1952. |
1 | 70 | Mitchell, Clarence M. Correspondence. 1962-1963. |
1 | 71 | Name change. 1963. |
1 | 72 | Newsclippings analysis. 1952-1953. |
1 | 73 | News clipping 1896. |
1 | 74 | Norcross, G.L. Correspondence. 1950. |
1 | 75 | Northern Michigan Conference on Business Education Outlooks. 7 November 1953. |
1 | 76 | Organization chart. 1951. |
1 | 77 | Organization proposal. 1953. |
Box | Folder | Contents |
2 | 1 | Personality improvement course. Descriptions February 1936-May 1936. |
2 | 2 | Personality improvement course. Student analyses. February 1936-May 1936. Folder 1. |
2 | 3 | Personality improvement course. Student analyses. February 1936-May 1936. Folder 2. |
2 | 4 | Personality improvement course. Student analyses. February 1936-May 1936. Folder 3. |
2 | 5 | Personality improvement course. Tests. February 1936-May 1936. |
2 | 6 | Personality improvement course. Course packet. 1937. |
2 | 7 | Personality improvement course. Norms. November 1936-July 1937. |
2 | 8 | Personality improvement course. Student analyses. 1937. Folder 1. |
2 | 9 | Personality improvement course. Student analyses. 1937. Folder 2. |
2 | 10 | Personality improvement course. Student analyses. 1937. Folder 3. |
2 | 11 | Personality improvement course. Student analyses. 1937. Folder 4. |
2 | 12 | Personality improvement course. Student analyses. 1937. Folder 5. |
2 | 13 | Personality improvement course. Student class reports. 1937. |
2 | 14 | Personality improvement course. Surveys; tests. 1937. |
2 | 15 | Personality improvement course. Class list. 1940-1941. |
2 | 16 | Personality improvement course. Correspondence; publicity. 1940-1941. |
2 | 17 | Personality improvement course. Handouts. 1940-1941. |
2 | 18 | Personality improvement course. Student analyses. 1940-1941. Folder 1. |
2 | 19 | Personality improvement course. Student analyses. 1940-1941. Folder 2. |
2 | 20 | Personality improvement course. Student analyses. 1940-1941. Folder 3. |
2 | 21 | Personality improvement course. Student analyses. 1940-1941. Folder 4. |
2 | 22 | Personality improvement course. Student analyses. 1940-1941. Folder 5. |
2 | 23 | Personality improvement course. Student analyses. 1940-1941. Folder 6. |
2 | 24 | Personality improvement course. Student analyses. 1940-1941. Folder 7. |
2 | 25 | Personality improvement course. Student evaluation reports. 1940-1941. |
2 | 26 | Pharmic Ball. 1937. |
2 | 27 | Photography service. 1951-1953. |
2 | 28 | Pre-nursing course. 1938-1939. |
2 | 29 | Psychology 1. Course. 1940-1944. |
2 | 30 | Psychology 221. Course. 1956-1960; undated. |
2 | 31 | Public Relations Clinic. 31 October 1951. |
2 | 32 | Publications data. 1946-1952. |
2 | 33 | Publicity file. |
2 | 34 | Purposes committee. 1953. |
2 | 35 | Religious Emphasis Week. 1957. |
2 | 36 | Sabbatical leave report. 1967-1968. |
2 | 37 | Schedules. 1959-1968. |
2 | 38 | Smith, John R. Correspondence. 1953-1956. |
2 | 39 | Some Remarks about the Testing and Counseling Program at Ferris Institute. Speech. 19 February 1953. |
2 | 40 | Sports history. 1965. |
2 | 41 | Spathelf, Victor. Correspondence. 1953. |
2 | 42 | State of Michigan. Transfer of Ferris Institute. 1949-1950. |
2 | 43 | State of Michigan. Transfer of Ferris Institute. Newsclippings. 1950. |
2 | 44 | Stationary. Undated. |
2 | 45 | Student conduct sign. Undated. |
2 | 46 | Student personnel bureau. Proposal. July 1938. |
2 | 47 | Student personnel work. 1938. |
2 | 48 | Studies in the Problems of Ferris Institute. Report. 1939. |
2 | 49 | Survey of student beliefs. 1931. |
2 | 50 | Taber, Morris. Correspondence. 1968. |
2 | 51 | Teacher training. Report. Undated. |
2 | 52 | Ward, Merle S. Correspondence; reports. 1937-1940. |
2 | 53 | WBRN radio station. Report. 1953-1954. |
2 | 54 | What do Michigan teachers believe about religious instruction of children? Survey. 1950. |
2 | 55 | Why I chose Ferris Institute. Admissions survey. 1950. |
2 | 56 | Wisely, Cleo. Correspondence. 1954. |
2 | 57 | Windquist, Helen. Correspondence. 1952. |
The records include some reports, working files and correspondence.
The records are arranged alphabetically by function and subject.
Box | Folder | Contents |
3 | 1 | Adult education department. Kalamazoo Public Schools. Annual report. 1945-1946. |
3 | 2 | Adult education department. Kalamazoo Public Schools. Future plans. 1946. |
3 | 3 | Adult education workshop. University of Michigan. June 1946. |
3 | 4 | Advisory Council on Adult Education. 1946. |
3 | 5 | Board of Education. Kalamazoo Public Schools. Minutes. October 1945-April 1946. |
3 | 6 | Brochures. Kalamazoo Public Evening Schools. 1946. |
3 | 7 | Calenders. 1945-1946. |
3 | 8 | Chronological file. September 1945. |
3 | 9 | Club programs. 1945-1946. |
3 | 10 | Heathcote, Daniel J. (Director). Correspondence. February 1945-July 1946. |
3 | 11 | Kalamazoo community events. Brochures; fliers; programs. 1946. |
3 | 12 | Michigan Education Association. Veterans Institute SEction. February 1945-May 1946. |
3 | 13 | Michigan Experimental Adult Education Program. Report. July 1945. |
3 | 14 | National Work Conference on Veterans Education. January 1946. |
3 | 15 | Norrix, Loy. Correspondence. August 1945-May 1946. |
3 | 16 | Our Public Affairs. Program brochure. 1945-1946. |
3 | 17 | Parent-teacher workshop. May 1946. |
3 | 18 | Schedules. |
3 | 19 | Report of the Superintendent to the Board of Education. Kalamazoo Public Schools. September 1945-June 1946. |
3 | 20 | Upjohn Institute for Community Research. April 1945-June 1945. |
3 | 21 | Upjohn Institute for Community Research. Apprenticeship committee. September 1945-March 1946. |
3 | 22 | Veterans Institute. November 1944-June 1946. |
3 | 23 | Weekly Bulletin. Kalamazoo Public Schools. September 1945-May 1946. |
These records consist of material relating not only to Newton's position, but also about the corporation and union activities during this period.
The records are arranged alphabetically by name, title and function.
Box | Folder | Contents |
3 | 23 | Address books. Undated. |
3 | 24 | Automobile accident. March 1944. |
3 | 25 | Airplanes. Newsclippings. 1944. |
3 | 26 | Correspondence; memorandum; regulations. Nash-Kelvinator Corporation. 1942-1945. |
3 | 27 | Flying. Magazine. 1944. |
3 | 28 | Employment. Nash-Kelvinator Corporation. 1944-1945. |
3 | 29 | Envelopes. Undated. |
3 | 30 | Inspection Department 266. Nash-Kelvinator Corporation. Forms. Undated. |
3 | 31 | Inspection Department 266. Nash-Kelvinator Corporation. Newsclippings. 1943-1944. |
3 | 32 | Inspection Department 266. Nash-Kelvinator Corporation. Technical sheets. 1944-1945. |
3 | 33 | Insurance. Undated. |
3 | 34 | Lansing Chess Club. 1945. |
3 | 35 | Lansing community events. Brochures; programs. 1942-1945. |
3 | 36 | Lansing Labor News. Newspaper. 1945. Folder 1. |
3 | 37 | Lansing Labor News. Newspaper. 1945. Folder 2. |
3 | 38 | Mnemonic pegs. 1942-1945. |
3 | 39 | Newton-Vandenberg Cooperative. 1943-1945. |
3 | 40 | National Voice. Newspaper. 1944. |
3 | 41 | Newspapers. 1944-1945. |
3 | 42 | Notes. Undated. |
3 | 43 | Plant history. Nash-Kelvinator Corporation. 1943-1945. |
3 | 44 | Progressive. Newspaper. 1944. |
3 | 45 | Prop. Newspaper. 1942-1945. |
3 | 46 | Seniority list. Nash-Kelvinator Corporation. September 1944. |
3 | 47 | Shop vocabulary. Notes. Undated. |
3 | 48 | Soldiers in German war. Newsclippings. Undated. |
3 | 49 | Union elections. 1944-1945. |
3 | 50 | Union-management meetings. Nash-Kelvinator Corporation. Minutes. May 1944-June 1944. |
3 | 51 | Union-management meetings. Nash-Kelvinator Corporation. Minutes. July 1944-August 1944. |
Box | Folder | Contents |
4 | 1 | Union-management meetings. Nash-Kelvinator Corporation. Minutes. September 1944-October 1944. |
4 | 2 | Union-management meetings. Nash-Kelvinator Corporation. Minutes. October 1944-January 1945. |
4 | 3 | United Automobile Worker. Newspaper. May 1942-January 1944. |
4 | 4 | United Automobile Worker. Newspaper. February 1944-August 1945. |
4 | 5 | United Auto Workers. Local 13. 1943-1945. |
4 | 6 | United Auto Workers. Local 13. News Bulletin. Newsletter. June 1944-October 1944. |
4 | 7 | United Auto Workers. Membership. 1945. |
4 | 8 | VA-1 rating. Nash-Kelvinator Corporation. December 1944-March 1945. |
4 | 9 | War bond drives. 1942-1945. |
4 | 10 | War publications. 1942-1945. |
4 | 11 | Your Hidden Treasure. Booklet. 1943-1944. |
Research and Writings consists of approximately 3.75 cubic feet of records. These records contain the drafts, research files, and final copies of publications written by Roy Newton. Of special interest is material related to the book How to Improve Your Personality.
The series is arranged alphabetically by topic and title.
Box | Folder | Contents |
4 | 12 | Analysis of works of Vladamir Nabokov. Memorandum. July 1969. |
4 | 13 | Bardic Echoes. Poetry journal. 1960-1976. |
4 | 14 | Basic Wants of Human Relations. Notes. 1939. |
4 | 15 | The Big Apple. Article. 1937. |
4 | 16 | Blackshear, John Appleton. Diaries. Correspondence. July 1936-December 1963. |
4 | 17 | Boston Post. Newspaper. 1875. |
4 | 18 | Comics articles. Undated. |
4 | 19 | Comics. Correspondence. 1965-1967. |
4 | 20 | Comics index. July 1936. |
4 | 21 | Comparison of Six Dictionaries.Report. 1966. |
4 | 22 | Copyright issues. 1939. |
4 | 23 | Dictionaries. Correspondence. 1963-1967. |
4 | 24 | Dictionaries Collection. 1964; undated. |
4 | 25 | Dictionaries Collection. Correspondence re: acquisitions. 1963-1972. Folder 1. |
4 | 26 | Dictionaries Collection. Correspondence re: acquisitions. 1963-1972. Folder 2. |
4 | 27 | Dictionaries Collection. Lists of target acquisitions. 1959-1964. |
4 | 28 | Dictionaries Collection. Sale. Correspondence. 1967-1972. |
4 | 29 | Dictionaries. Marlboro books. 1962-1964. |
4 | 30 | Dictionaries. Merriam-Webster dictionary. Correspondence. 1961-1964. |
4 | 31 | Dictionaries. Merriam-Webster dictionary. Reviews. 1963-1964. |
4 | 32 | Dictionaries. Notes. 1963-1964. |
4 | 33 | Dictionaries. Research reports. 1963-1968. |
4 | 34 | Dictionaries. Samuel Johnson dictionary. Correspondence. 1967. |
4 | 35 | Dictionaries. Word Study. Newsletter. 1960-1968. |
4 | 36 | Dictionaries. Vulgarities. 1962. |
4 | 37 | English language. Newsclippings. 1962-1964; undated. |
4 | 38 | Eugenics Record Office. 1927. |
4 | 39 | Evening of Hypnotism.Article. 1936. |
4 | 40 | Gseries. Postcards. Undated. |
4 | 41 | General correspondence re: publications. 1936-1972. |
4 | 42 | Georgia Review. Correspondence. 1967-1969. |
4 | 43 | Grooming. Research publications. 1940-1941. |
4 | 44 | How Hypnotism Works. Article. 1936. |
4 | 45 | How to Improve Your Personality. Article. 1942. |
4 | 46 | How to Improve Your Personality. Adoption slips. 1959-1965. |
4 | 47 | How to Improve Your Personality. Advertisements. 1952; undated. |
4 | 48 | How to Improve Your Personality. Appendix. Draft. |
4 | 49 | How to Improve Your Personality. Bibliographic notecards. Undated. |
Box | Folder | Contents |
5 | 1 | How to Improve Your Personality. Bibliographic notecards. Typed. Undated. |
5 | 2 | How to Improve Your Personality. Bibliography. Books. |
5 | 3 | How to Improve Your Personality. 1st edition. Bibliography. |
5 | 4 | How to Improve Your Personality. Book outline. |
5 | 5 | How to Improve Your Personality. Chapter 1. Draft. |
5 | 6 | How to Improve Your Personality. Chapter 2. Draft. |
5 | 7 | How to Improve Your Personality. Chapter 3. Draft. |
5 | 8 | How to Improve Your Personality. Chapter 4. Draft. |
5 | 9 | How to Improve Your Personality. Chapter 5. Draft. |
5 | 10 | How to Improve Your Personality. Chapter 7. Draft. |
5 | 11 | How to Improve Your Personality. Cover. |
5 | 12 | How to Improve Your Personality. 1st edition. February 1941. |
5 | 13 | How to Improve Your Personality. 1st edition. Chapters 1-6. Final draft. May 1941. |
5 | 14 | How to Improve Your Personality. 1st edition. Draft. May 1941. Folder 1. |
5 | 15 | How to Improve Your Personality. 1st edition. Draft. May 1941. Folder 2. |
5 | 16 | How to Improve Your Personality. 1st edition. Draft. May 1941. Folder 3. |
5 | 17 | How to Improve Your Personality. 2nd edition. Draft. |
5 | 18 | How to Improve Your Personality. 3rd edition. Draft. Folder 1. |
5 | 19 | How to Improve Your Personality. 3rd edition. Draft. Folder 2. |
5 | 20 | How to Improve Your Personality. 3rd edition. Draft. Folder 3. |
5 | 21 | How to Improve Your Personality. 3rd edition. Draft. Folder 4. |
5 | 22 | How to Improve Your Personality. 1st edition. Galley page proofs. 1941. |
5 | 23 | How to Improve Your Personality. 1st edition. Galley page proofs. 1942. |
5 | 24 | How to Improve Your Personality. 3rd edition. Galley page proofs. March-July 1962. |
5 | 25 | How to Improve Your Personality. 3rd edition. Galley page proofs. 1962. |
5 | 26 | How to Improve Your Personality. 3rd edition. Galley page proofs. July 1963. |
5 | 27 | How to Improve Your Personality. Ideas folder. Undated. |
5 | 28 | How to Improve Your Personality. 1st edition. Illustrations. 1941. |
5 | 29 | How to Improve Your Personality. McGraw Hill Publishing. Correspondence. September 1945-March 1965. |
5 | 30 | How to Improve Your Personality. Notecards Undated. |
5 | 31 | How to Improve Your Personality. Publishers. Correspondence. 1936-1941. |
5 | 32 | How to Improve Your Personality. Revisions. 1945. |
5 | 33 | How to Improve Your Personality. Revisions. 1946. |
5 | 34 | How to Improve Your Personality. Teachers manual. 1942. |
Box | Folder | Contents |
6 | 1 | How to Improve Your Personality. Test advertisements. 1936-1937. |
6 | 2 | How to Improve Your Personality. Tests. Correspondence. 1937. |
6 | 3 | How to Improve Your Personality. Title, preface and table of contents. 1st edition. Draft. |
6 | 4 | How to Make Your Personality Stand Out. Article. Undated. |
6 | 5 | How to Play Chess. Notebook. 1946. |
6 | 6 | Hypnotism. Research notes. Undated. |
6 | 7 | I Wish They Wouldn't. Article. 1937. |
6 | 8 | Is Hypnotism a Fake? Article. 1937. |
6 | 9 | Jokes. Shop humor. Undated. |
6 | 10 | Kentucky Alumnus. Correspondence 1969-1971. |
6 | 11 | National Dairy Council. Health education pamphlets. 1948. |
6 | 12 | Novel. Undated. |
6 | 13 | Peninsula Poets. Poetry Society of Michigan. Journal. 1962-1972. |
6 | 14 | Personality. Bibliographic references. 1944. |
6 | 15 | Personality. Ligon, Ernest. 1936. |
6 | 16 | Personality. Lockart, Earl. Improving Your Personality. 1941. |
6 | 17 | Personality. Newspaper clippings. 1937-1940; undated. |
6 | 18 | Personality. Newton Activity Test. 1941. |
6 | 19 | Poetry. Undated. |
6 | 20 | Practical Psychology. Articles. Undated. |
6 | 21 | Problems of Private Junior Colleges in Michigan. Report. 1939. |
6 | 22 | Psychology of Christian Personalities. Article. Undated. |
6 | 23 | Random House Dictionary. Review. 1969. |
6 | 24 | Sellar, Charles. The American College Public Relations Association: a study of its' development during the period 1915-1950. |
6 | 25 | Should Children read the Funny Papers? Article. 1936. |
6 | 26 | Soap carving therapy. Brochures. 1944. |
6 | 27 | Stories. Undated. |
6 | 28 | Strange Fruit. Undated. |
6 | 29 | Suggestions on How to Study. Undated. |
6 | 30 | Technical Education News. Periodical. 1947. |
6 | 31 | Tests. Undated. |
6 | 32 | Two Chain Stores. Article. 1937. |
6 | 33 | Verse and Worse. Collected Poems of Roy Newton. 1960. |
6 | 34 | Works of Woodbridge N. Ferris. Index. Undated. |
6 | 35 | Writers aptitude test. Undated. |
6 | 36 | Yesteryear. Article. 1969. |
6 | 37 | Miscellaneous Prose Works. 1933-1969. (Excerpts) |
Personal and Family Records consists of approximately 3.4 cubic feet of records. It contains correspondence, educational items, family genealogical records and other personal materials including objects.
The series is arranged alphabetically by topic.
Box | Folder | Contents |
6 | 37 | Alpha Phi Epsilon fraternity. 1930-1931. |
6 | 38 | Address cards. Undated. |
6 | 39 | Apollo 11 special edition newspaper. 29 June 1969. |
6 | 40 | Ashbury College. Wilmore (Kentucky). Ashburian. Yearbook. 1925. |
6 | 41 | Ashbury College. Ashburian. Yearbook. 1927. |
6 | 42 | Ashbury College. Ashburian. Yearbook. 1928. |
6 | 43 | Ashbury College. Ashburian. Yearbook. 1929. |
6 | 44 | Ashbury College. Newspaper. August 1925. |
6 | 45 | Ashley, Burdette B. Correspondence. 1941-1946. |
6 | 46 | Aurora College. Aurora (Illinois). Aurora. Yearbook. 1919. |
6 | 47 | Autobiography. Undated. |
6 | 48 | Bird stamp book. Undated. |
8 | 2 | Cash account book. Oversize. Organized by date. 1918-1927. |
8 | 3 | Cash account book. Oversize. Organized by name. 1924-1927. |
6 | 49 | Christmas greetings. 1954-1960. |
6 | 50 | College pennants. Undated. |
6 | 51 | Crammond/ Heidecker family genealogy. 1958; undated. |
6 | 52 | Crammond, Margaret. Bible Readings. Undated. |
6 | 53 | Crammond, Margaret. Correspondence. 1962-1963. |
6 | 54 | Dream record. 1937. |
6 | 55 | Ferris Institute Alumni Association honorary plaque. 1968. |
6 | 56 | Fraternal Reserve Association. Big Rapids (Michigan). 1904-1911; undated. |
Box | Folder | Contents |
7 | 1 | Garden book. 1952-1955. |
7 | 2 | General correspondence. Chronological. 1935-1972. |
7 | 3 | Hornbook. Undated. |
7 | 4 | Honorary doctorate. Ferris State College. Big Rapids (Michigan). 1986. |
7 | 5 | Human nature course. Ferris Institute. 1926. |
7 | 6 | Journal. 1956. |
7 | 7 | Lipscomb, Cornelia. 1964. |
7 | 8 | Life and Works of Edgar Allen Poe. School paper. Undated. |
7 | 9 | Mad Magazine. 1963. |
7 | 10 | Methodist Episcopal Church. 1926. |
7 | 11 | Michigan High School Forensic Association. 1936-1937. |
7 | 12 | Moore, Larry. Correspondence. 1962-1967. |
7 | 13 | National Cyclopedia of American Biography. 1975. |
7 | 14 | Nearprint. 1937-1972; undated. |
7 | 15 | Newton and Company. Letterhead. |
7 | 16 | Newton, Bill and Mary. Correspondence. 1962-1965. |
7 | 17 | Newton, Dorothy. Nearprint. 1943-1944. |
7 | 18 | Newton, Elizabeth. Correspondence. May 1963-March 1966. |
7 | 19 | Newton, Elizabeth. Correspondence. March 1966-May 1967. |
7 | 20 | Newton, Glen. Correspondence. September 1965-January 1972. |
7 | 21 | Newton, Isabella. Correspondence. October 1962-September 1963. |
7 | 22 | Newton, Jim. Correspondence. January 1962-February 1967. |
7 | 23 | Newton, Perry. November 1962-April 1965. |
7 | 24 | Newton, Perry. April 1965-February 1972. |
7 | 25 | Newton family genealogy. Biographical data. Undated. |
7 | 26 | Newton family genealogy. Correspondence. August 1950-July 1966. |
7 | 27 | Newton family genealogy. Family charts. Undated. |
7 | 28 | Newton family genealogy. Graves listing. Undated. |
7 | 29 | Newton family genealogy. Minis, Gertrude. Minis file. 1950-1963; undated. |
7 | 30 | Newton family genealogy. Newton, Giles. Undated. |
7 | 31 | Newton-Blackshear family charts. Undated. |
7 | 32 | Newton family genealogy. Notebooks. Undated. |
7 | 33 | Newton Reunion Association. Correspondence. August 1953-November 1961. |
7 | 34 | Photos. Undated. |
7 | 35 | Postcards. Undated. |
7 | 36 | Preliminary inventory of donation to Ferris archives. ca. 1975. |
7 | 37 | Red Springs High School Red Springs (North Carolina). Class notes. 1919-1920. |
7 | 38 | Red Springs High School. Promotion certificate and exam. 1913-1920. |
7 | 39 | Receipts. Undated. |
7 | 40 | Resume. June 1952. |
7 | 41 | Roy Netwon Books. Big Rapids (Michigan). 1963-1964. |
8 | 1 | School slate. 19th century. |
8 | 4 | Scrapbook. Newton, Dorothy Crammond. 1926-1929; undated. |
8 | 5 | Scrapbook. Newsclippings. May 1955-July 1956. |
7 | 42 | Stamps. Undated. |
7 | 43 | Stamps. Newton, David C. Undated. |
7 | 44 | Time analysis. 1952. |
7 | 45 | Tolar, Celia. Correspondence. 1961-1965. |
7 | 46 | Trinity College. Durham (North Carolina). Chanticleer. Yearbook. 1921. |
7 | 47 | Trinity College. Class notes. 1919-1920. |
7 | 48 | Trinity College. Class notes. 1920-1921. 1925-1926. |
7 | 49 | University of Kentucky. Lexington (Kentucky). Class notes. Drama. 1925-1926. |
7 | 50 | University of Kentucky. Class notes. Education. 1925-1926. |
7 | 51 | University of Kentucky. Schedule. |
7 | 52 | University of Michigan. Report card. 1933-1934. |
7 | 53 | Vandenberg, Virgil E. Correspondence. 1962; undated. |
8 | 6 | Empty box labeled "piece of wood from Abraham Lincoln's cabin." |
8 | 7 | Excerpts from Miscellaneous Prose works of Roy Newton. 1933-1955. |