The west side of campus features Bond, Henderson, Puterbaugh, and Cramer Halls. Bond Hall offers special living arrangements such as break housing, LGBTQ+ housing, and a multinational wing. West campus halls are located near academic programs and facilities such as Optometry, Allied Health, Pharmacy, Hospitality, Creative Arts Center, Bishop Hall, Business Building, Interdisciplinary Resource Center. They are also near campus buildings such as Department of Public Safety and Ewigleben Sports Complex. West Campus also features a sand volleyball court and a basketball court.

Bond Hall
Bond offers single style rooms with a large lobby area that is great for community building. Bond Hall also offers special living arrangements such as break housing and a LGBTQ+ living community. Bond also has a computer lab, E-Sports Training Room as well as a study area available for use in its lobby area. Bond is our only residence hall on campus that offers break housing for students, and is a reason that most international students choose Bond as their home.
Bond Hall information
Cramer Hall
Cramer offers a mix of single and double style bedroom suites and three per suite style rooms. Three floors in Cramer have suites where two residents share one bedroom and a third resident is in a single bedroom. The remaining floors of Cramer are single bedroom suites. Cramer is the only residence hall on campus that has suite style rooms where their is a small common area in between the bedrooms that is shared. Cramer is the tallest building on campus and does have an elevator.
Cramer Hall informationPuterbaugh Hall
Puterbaugh offers single style rooms and has a medium size lobby area for community building. Puterbaugh also offers a private study room for students to use. Puterbaugh is one of three honors residence halls on campus. Puterbaugh and Henderson are both unique halls that are adjoined by the criminal justice academy.
Puterbaugh Hall informationHenderson Hall
Henderson offers single style rooms and has a medium size lobby area for community building. Henderson also offers a private study room for students to use. Puterbaugh and Henderson are both unique halls that are adjoined by the criminal justice academy.