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Graduate Program Information

2019 Hooding Ceremony

Master of Science Educational Leadership (MSEL)

Students of the Master of Science Educational Leadership degree program will complete a core of theoretical and experiential courses that will build the foundation for their administrative experiences. These courses combine the convenience of online learning with face-to-face class time to practice and enhance skills. Of prime importance is the structured internship wherein local districts will be required to sponsor and mentor administrative candidates. During this internship, students will apply theoretical concepts and build administrative skills; they will also be expected to develop and complete a comprehensive project that will benefit their sponsor district. This cooperative effort of local districts is intended to help alleviate the shortage of prospective administrators, especially in rural schools. Students completing this program may be eligible for building level administrator certification. Opportunity to complete internship in non-P-12 settings is available.

Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction (MEd)

Master of Education Curriculum and Instruction- Secondary and Elementary Certification options are no longer available as of April 20, 2008.

The Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction Subject Area Concentration gives professional educators the advanced professional development necessary to open several career options as well as providing a foundation to improve their instructional practice. Students complete advanced core course work in addition will focus in a subject of their choosing. Students eligible for admission to the graduate program must hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university. When required, candidates should hold or be eligible for professional licensure, registration or certification to practice in the occupational specialty. Previous teaching experience is not a requirement. An admissions committee will review all application materials and recommend appropriate action. Upon admission to the graduate program, each student will be assigned a graduate advisor.

Master of Science in Career & Technical Education (MSCTE)

Improved career and technical education competency and refined instructional or administrative skills are the goals of the Master of Science degree program in Career and Technical Education at Ferris State University. This concentration is designed for people interested in working in administrative positions in community colleges or universities. Students eligible for admission to the graduate program must hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university. When required, candidates should hold or be eligible for professional licensure, registration or certification to practice in the occupational specialty. Previous teaching experience is not a requirement. An admissions committee will review all application materials and recommend appropriate action. Upon admission to the graduate program, each student will be assigned a graduate advisor.

Useful links

Application Deadlines for EDUC 595, EDUC 591, ECTE 591, ECTE 595, EDUC 681

  • Winter - December 1
  • Summer - April 1
  • Fall - August 1

Students in the Special Education Endorsement Option should request a student teaching application one semester before they plan to enroll in ESPN 592. Request this application from Dr. David Alban at [email protected]. Students will also request a student teaching clearance from the Graduate Program Coordinator, Dr. Vanessa Wyss, at [email protected].