College of Arts, Sciences and Education
Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology

David Friar graduated from Ferris State University’s College of Arts, Sciences and
Education in 1989. He is a physician, and co-owner and president of iNDIGO Health
Partners, a leading private hospital medicine group founded by physicians employed
at Munson Medical Center in Traverse City, Michigan, where he resides. With his brother,
Kenneth, he has led advancements in efficiency, productivity and quality in one of
the largest provider-owned hospitalist programs in the United States. It provides
inpatient healthcare at six community hospitals that serve more than 20 counties,
many of them rural and underserved.
A national speaker and frequent resource for peer journals on healthcare topics and
associate professor in the College of Human Medicine at Michigan State University,
Friar is a senior fellow of the Society of Hospital Medicine and a member of the American
College of Physicians, American Medical Association, American College of Health Administrators
and the American College of Physician Executives.
Friar has served on the Munson Medical Center Board of Trustees, the iNDIGO Health
Partners Board of Trustees, and as CEO to Hospitalists of Northern Michigan. In his
service as a major in the United States Army Medical Corps, he has been awarded the
Army Service Ribbon, the National Defense Service Medal, and twice awarded the Army
Commendation Medal and Overseas Service Ribbon. He also is the recipient of multiple
professional awards.
His current committee memberships include the Society of Hospital Medicine Chapter
Support Committee, the Munson Health Care Board Quality Committee, and the Munson
Medical Center Community Health Committee. His recent past memberships include the
Advance Practitioner Provider Committee for the Society of Hospital Medicine, the
Facilities Planning Committee for Munson Medical Center and the Strategic Planning
Committee for Munson Healthcare.
Friar is active in the Traverse Area Recreational Trails Committee, the International
Affairs Forum and the National Writers Series, and supports numerous youth leagues,
races and other community events.