In a collaborative effort with the Ferris State Alumni Association, opportunities are available to promote Ferris pride within companies and organizations who want to engage with alumni on an annual basis and gain additional company visibility through marketing efforts to over 175,000 living alumni through website, monthly e-newsletters, direct mail and more.
Below are a list of sponsorship opportunities and options. The Ferris Alumni Association welcomes the support and we are available to discuss what fits the need of your company and discuss future customizable programming. For more information or to discuss your interests, contact the Alumni Office at [email protected] or 231-591-2345.
Available Opportunities:
1) Ferris State Alumni Association Golf Outing
Multiple Sponsorship Options Available: $300 - $500
As FSU is home to one of the few PGA Golf Management programs in the country, the Alumni Association offers one of the premier outings of the season that takes to the links annually each May. Outings rotate approximately every two years so participants and sponsors reach a new diverse population within Michigan and also can showcase fellow PGM alumni courses. Proceeds from this event help to support the Alumni Legacy
2) The Alumni Legacy Scholarship
Multiple Giving Options Available: $500 - $10,000
The Alumni Association Legacy Scholarship recognizes academic achievements and leadership potential in students whose parent, sibling or grandparent, son or daughter is a Ferris State University graduate. Donations to this endowment help to fund annual scholarships. In 2020, $34,500 was awarded to 31 students.
3) Homecoming
Multiple Sponsorship Options Available: $500 - $2,500
This annual celebration for current students, alumni, friends and the community occurs annually in September or October, with recorded numbers of more than 5,000 participants. Homecoming is truly a memory in the making, an invitation and a bridge between classes, ages and personal experience. Festivities before the football game include “Reunion Row” with the Alumni Association Welcome Tent as the noticeable anchor.
4) Corporate Bulldog Lunches
Cost of lunch and method of invitation provided by Sponsoring Company
Employees with FSU degrees gather over lunch during the work day which allows FSU alumni to network in a casual work environment. Individuals receive updates from the alumni office as to upcoming events and what benefits are offered to alumni after graduation. Special guests from the university may also travel with the alumni staff such a professor or dean from the college to give program updates. Meals are provided by the sponsoring company while brochures and alumni information provided by the Alumni Association. All attendees are registered for a chance to win an Alumni Association gift basket.
5) Regional Alumni Events
Multiple opportunities; varies per event
The Alumni Association hosts over 25 events annually with attendance reaching over 5,000, excluding Homecoming. Events are held throughout Michigan in key constituent cities as well as hot spot markets in California, Chicago, Colorado, Florida, Texas, Wisconsin and Arizona. Event sponsorship increases brand awareness with a university that produces influential alumni throughout the world. By partnering with FSU, sponsorship will help generate a positive reaction and increase outreach and exposure to new constituents while supporting Ferris alumni.