Office of the President
1201 S. State Street
Timme Center, CSS 301
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Congratulations to -
I would like to nominate Ashley Griggs and Cameron Williams for going above and beyond the call of duty in helping their fellow students. Nice
job, guys : )
I would like to submit Steve Dockham and Shelly Garland for assisting the members of the Student Veteran Association. On Saturday October
6th, the members of the SVA had arranged for vehicles to pick up the materials for
the Homecoming Bonfire. When the time came to start working only one truck was available.
The members and advisor contacted these two people and without hesitation they gladly
assisted. Steve brought his truck and trailer, as well as personally assisting, to
help the veteran students. Shelly was contacted by the president of the association
for help and she loaned her truck to the group. Had it not been for these two people
and their help the bonfire would have not been as successful. The Student Veteran
Association members would like both of them to receive a very much deserved Pat-On-the-Back
for their efforts.
The Rock Café has been one of the favorite local dining places to many people. It is a busy dining
place where it could serve thousands of meals daily. All the diligent and friendly
employees at the Café have done a truly impressive job, whether working at the cashier’s
desk or in front of dishwasher, whether helping behind the food serving stations,
in the kitchen, or in front of the grills and ovens, whether refilling the machines,
or cleaning the tables or floors. From early morning hours to late night shifts, from
harsh winter to hot summer, from managers, to staff including all the student employees,
you provided not only a great variety of hearty and healthy food for all, but also
pleasant dining experience. We want to thank you for your year-round hard work.
I would like to nominate student worker, Scott Millard for a pat-on-the-back award. Scott has a great attitude, always shows up for work
with a smile on his face. He does a great job and is fun to be around. Thank you Scott
for all of your help.
I would like to nominate, Angela Morris, for the Pat on the Back Award. Angela worked diligently on the marketing and promotion
of the Nuclear Medicine Information Sessions at the Grand Rapids Campus. Thanks Angela
for all of your hard work and for making our prospective students feel special.
I am nominating Travis Workman, an electrician in the Physical Plant. Travis is an extremely hard worker who is
always willing to lend a helping hand no matter how busy he may be. He has helped
me countless times recently from replacing parts in machinery to helping mop the floor
when he happened by while working on a separate work order after a water unit sprung
a leak. These efforts alone have helped to save the University $5,000-6,000. He
is always quick to respond to work orders placed for him with a smile and a great
attitude. Travis has also taken the initiative to go out of his way to research compatible
replacement parts that would be less expensive than what is offered from the manufacturer.
Thank you for your hard work and dedication to Ferris State University Travis, it
is greatly appreciated!
This month's POTB t-shirt winners are: Travis Workman, Angela Morris, Scott Millard,
Steve Dockham, Shelly Garland, Ashley Griggs and Cameron Williams.