Management Department, BUS 212
119 South St.
BUS 200
Big Rapids, MI
(231) 591-2427
[email protected]
Elise Gorby is a senior in the Business Administration program with a minor in Leadership and Project Management, graduating in May of 2022.
Elise is currently in pursuit of a process improvement career. She writes, "I had always been interested in process improvement and improving efficiency, but never realized how much actually goes into eliminating wastes. The lean program and specifically the experiential projects allowed me to work with some community members and helped me apply what I had been learning in the classroom to a real-world setting. After 3 years of being unsure what direction I wanted to take my career, the lean programs helped me find my passion." Wow, we are so glad you have found your passion in our programs, Elise!
When asked if she has any advice for current/future students, Elise responded, "Give
everything you are tasked with your best effort. If you don’t understand something
do not be afraid to ask your professors. They are very knowledgeable and have experience
they can share with you, if you reach out and are willing to listen. Especially for
experiential projects it is important to be patient. The changes you want to see may
not happen as quickly as you would like, just keeping putting your all into the project
and it will all come together. "
Thank you Elise for sharing your insight and experiences with the Ferris family! We
appreciate your support!