Office of the President
1201 S. State Street
Timme Center, CSS 301
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Congratulations to —
Melanie Buffin, head cook, Mascar Grille. She has the ability to step into any position and make it happen; that truly is an asset in the kitchen. As the head cook at Mascar Grille she is my right and left hand. I truly appreciate all she does for me and our customers.
Dr. Robert Buckingham, director of clinics, Optometry. On the evening of Sept. 15 Bob was walking to his car from Pennock Hall, leaving work around 8 pm. He stopped by the intramural fields to say hello. Then, although still dressed in his suit, he volunteered to play intramural softball with some of his optometry students whose team was short by a couple of players. Only changing his shoes, Bob played softball (rather well) in a shirt and tie on a dusty field, then in the rain. He hung in there through the whole game. His students really appreciated his willingness to help out and stick it out under such adverse conditions.
Mary Kay MacIver, assistant director, Alumni Relations. Mary Kay is always upbeat, energized, and can be counted on to handle the job(s), whatever it is, no matter how many different directions she is pulled. She has a beautiful smile (and isn't afraid to use it) and is a joy to work with. Keep up the good works MK!
Cindy Horn, interim director, Student Leadership and Activities. She deserves a Pat on the Back Award for her endless smiles, optimism and encouragement to others. No matter how crazy things get, she always finds the silver lining in the cloud, she keeps her cool and makes a positive out of a negative situation. Thank you, Cindy H!!!
Sue and Tom Isabell, custodians, Automotive Center. The building is the cleanest it has ever looked since I have worked here. They both far exceed what they have to do. Sue and Tom are shining examples of Ferris pride!
Jan Anderson, departmental secretary, HVACR. Jan is an awesome asset to the HVACR Department!
Debby Buck, secretary level III, Center for Teaching, Learning & Faculty Development. More than once I have watched as Debby has taken the responsibility to take care of tasks that no one else wanted to deal with. While I don't work with Debby directly, she recently provided assistance to our department by working to remedy a situation that she had nothing to do with. She put quality first, and did so with decorum. I know that Debby worked diligently to keep things running in the CTL&FD during the first week of school. Watching her work hard then and now made me feel that Debby has earned a Pat-on-the-back, which is why I felt it was important to submit a nomination so she can receive some well-deserved recognition.
I would like to nominate Dawn Young, student, Cindy Greenwood, student activities coordinator, and the rest of Entertainment Unlimited, the Finance Committee of Student Government and the Office of Student Leadership & Activities for all the hard work they put into the Chris Cagle Concert. Cagle had a huge draw and added immensely to the attendance count and overall feel of the Football Frenzy. For some reason they were overlooked when all the sponsorships and thank yous were given, but they are truly deserving of a great big thank you and a giant Pat on the Back!!!
Matt Kuspa, third floor RA, West Masselink. For cleaning up floods whenever it rained since school started and the roof finally got repaired. It was appreciated by everyone in the building.
Fonda Kuzee, interim manager, General Services, Annette Erler, clerk typist, GEN SER, Kim Kleeves, clerk typist, GEN SER, Deb Savides, Storage/Recycling. These ladies help keep the Physical Plant operating smoothly. Without these ladies, we would be lost. They always have positive attitudes and are friendly to everyone who needs assistance. They are appreciated!!
Thomas Jackson, computer technician, BTC. Tom developed the COFe system (Custodial Order Form electronic) and continues to support the system from time to time due to server changes and needs which is above and beyond his current position. Tom is always willing to discuss improvement to the system and assist to maintain the integrity of the process. Tom promotes and portrays quality improvements and pride in his department of expertise and the custodial staff is thankful for the assistance he provides continually.
Sara Dew, student loan coordinator, Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid. She is so dedicated to her job; so much depends on her. An extreme amount of responsibility is put upon here and she takes action and makes sure that everything is always running smoothly. Good job Sara!
Bonnie Thebo, student financial services coordinator, Business Operations. She is always concerned about how things are going to turn out and she tries so hard to make sure everything gets completed by the end of the day (which ends a little later than a lot of other people.) She is dedicated enough to show up early to get stuff done or stay a little later than usual too. She cares about the students and what happens to them; that in itself makes her a good employee. She deserves some recognition once in a while. Good job Bonnie!