Office of Research & Sponsored Programs
Ferris Library for Information, Technology and Education (FLITE)
Ferris State University
1010 Campus Drive, FLITE 410 D & F
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2547
[email protected]
1. Approval to Accept a Grant (Notice of Award)
ORSP will need a copy of the notice of grant award (NOGA) as well as the grant agreement
with terms/conditions for review prior to obtaining signatures. (PI: please send your Notice of Award letter to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs via email, [email protected].).
Approvals at the VP level are required before the University can accept the grant or sign a contract. The VP of Administration & Finance serves as the contracting officer for the University and executes the agreement. Larger grants require additional approvals, per Board of Trustees policies:
Contact Wendy Stapp, (231-591-2547) to coordinate the award approval process.
2 . Assignment of grant account number (E-Fund number or E-FOAP)
Once the grant agreement or contract has been signed at the VP level, the Accounting Office will create a new E-fund number for your specific project. The ORSP office will set up a "PI Kickoff Meeting" to review all terms and conditions of the award, reporting requirements, budget instructions, HR/hiring, etc, associated with your award.
For questions (and answers) regarding grant accounting, contact:
Francis Kiio
Staff Accountant
420 Oak Street, Prakken 254
Big Rapids, Michigan 49307
Phone: (231) 591-3903
Fax: (231 591-3902
[email protected]
3. Responsibilities of Grant Management
The Principal Investigator (PI), the College Deans, the Accounting Office, and the College Accounting Staff assigned to the grant each have an important role to play in grant management. Click here for a guide to these roles.