Ferris Library for Information, Technology and Education
1010 Campus Drive
Big Rapids, MI
We encourage you to explore our on-campus early learning center as well as local providers. Be sure to confirm licensing with your provider. Once you identify potential providers, you can review licensing through LARA, Michigan’s Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.
The Early Learning Center was established in 1987 for the dual purpose of providing an educational setting for young children and for Ferris State University students to gain valuable experience working with young children in an educational setting. The Early Learning Center provides quality child care services to families with children ages one month through 12 years of age. Child care services are available to Ferris State University students, faculty and staff, and community members.
Explore the Early Learning Center
Lori Johnson, Manager
(231) 591-2390
(231) 591-2056 (fax)
[email protected]
1349 Cramer Circle, BIS 102
Big Rapids, MI 49307