Make an Informed Decision About Your Major
While many students come to college with a major in mind, other students come to college unsure of their career path. The CARE program provides students with the tools and strategies that they need to make informed decisions regarding degree selection and learning what career opportunities will become available with completion of that degree.
In addition, the CARE program offers students the opportunity to learn valuable career related skills associated with resume and cover letter writing, interviewing, networking, building a career portfolio, and learning transferable skills.
University students do not have to be in the CARE program to take advantage of the CARE courses. Students Looking to change majors can benefit from taking the CARE 102 course. Students looking to learn valuable career development skills can benefit from taking CARE 201, CARE 202, and CARE 203. Additionally, all CARE courses are strategically aligned to foster the development of employment driven soft-skills.
Career Exploration Courses
The Academic Advisor
The Academic Advisor for all students in the CARE Program is the instructor of the Ferris State University Seminar courses - FSUS 100 and 101. This advisor, selected from the many faculty and professional staff who specialize in helping to guide students who have not yet selected a program, can help you define and develop realistic goals, identify special needs, match you with available resources, monitor progress toward educational and career goals, and discuss linkages between academic preparation and the world of work.
The Best of Both Worlds
In addition to identifying potential major programs or career fields, you may complete your class schedule by enrolling in courses that meet the University graduation requirements of Collaboration, Communication, Culture, Diversity, Natural Sciences, Problem Solving, Quantitative Literacy, and Self and Society. Every effort is made to help you select required courses that will support your subsequent work in the major field.
The Ferris Career Exploration Program is an ideal way to begin college and make progress toward a degree while looking at different career options.
Program Curriculum Information
Dr. Jason Bentley
Dean of University College
(231) 591-2428
[email protected]
Application, Registration and Orientation Questions
Shelly VandePanne
Director of Academic Student Success
(231) 591-2360
[email protected]