School of Nursing, College of Health Professions
VFS 400
200 Ferris Drive
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2259
Fax: (231) 591-2325
All nursing students are required to complete criminal background checks (CBC) in order to be authorized to go to a clinical site to fulfill clinical course objectives. This is a requirement of the clinical agency and is intended to protect patients as a vulnerable population from convicted felons. Students will submit an initial CBC as part of their application to the professional sequence of the program, but a CBC is also required to be done within 6 months of starting clinical rotations, thus requiring students to repeat the CBC upon admission to the program if the CBC report exceeds 6 months at that time. Students will be directed to a web site where they will complete the required information for a background check. It is important to know that if you have a criminal history, you may be restricted from a clinical setting, which could jeopardize your ability to progress in the nursing program.
In addition to the criminal background check, some agencies may also require drug screening and fingerprinting as part of their requirement for you to be a student in their institution. The cost of all CBC screening is the responsibility of the student. (See Program Costs Sheet)
Prior to the beginning of the professional sequence, students must provide evidence of immunity or testing for the following diseases:
Documentation of immunizations / Immunity to the above must reflect the date of the immunization or test on an official medical or immunization record, with a signature or other identification of a health care provider.
Prior to the beginning of the professional sequence, students are required to provide and maintain a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiac Care Card from the American Heart Association or American Red Cross while enrolled in the program. This certification should be designated as either “Health Care Provider/Professional Rescue or Basic Life Support (BLS). Students must recertify when their original certification expires. Certifications are valid for 2 years.
Transportation to clinical sites is a personal responsibility of the student. Acute care clinical experiences may be scheduled in Big Rapids, Greenville, Mt. Pleasant or Fremont and Grand Rapids for traditional track students. Acute care clinical experiences may be scheduled in Cadillac, Traverse City or Freemont and Grand Rapids for accelerated track students. Community based experiences may be scheduled in a variety of sites in west/central and northern Michigan.
Students are strongly encouraged to carry health insurance while enrolled in the nursing program to provide coverage for any medical care required during the clinical experience. This cost is not assumed by Ferris State University. If the student does not carry health insurance they are still responsible for any medical care costs incurred that would result from injury while in the clinical setting.
Students are required to purchase and wear the designated FSU nursing uniform, which includes a set of scrubs and jacket that are purchased from a Ferris designated vendor. No substitutions will be accepted. Students must follow the dress code as outlined in the Undergraduate Nursing Student Handbook.
Updated: November 18, 2021