Economics Management
Phone: (231) 591-2433
Email: [email protected]
PhD, Auburn University, Economics
BS, Colorado State University, Mathematics
I have Ph.D. in economics from Auburn University, specializing in the areas of Public Finance, International Economics, Natural Resource Economics, and Industrial Organization. I have published articles in the Wall Street Journal, The Journal of Commerce, Public Finance Review, The Free Market, various newspapers, and at various websites.
In addition to teaching at Ferris State University, I have also taught at Ball State University and Taylor University. Prior to my academic career, I worked in the Colorado oil and gas industry managing the drilling, completion, and production of oil and gas wells.
Publications and Intellectual Contributions
Journal Article
Brandly, M. (2020). "Calculating GDP Correctly," Ludwig von Mises Institute Daily.
Brandly, M. (2018). "Federal Deficits Are Worse Than You Think,"
Journal Article
Brandly, M. (2016). "The Feds Own More Land Than You Think,"
Journal Article
Brandly, M. (2016). "A Conversation with my Neighbor ‘Sam’,"
Journal Article
Brandly, M. (2007). "Jean-Baptiste Say, The Father of Austrian Public Finance: Views on Taxation," Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics.
Review Essay
Brandly, M. (2007). "Review Essay: Global Trade and Conflicting National Interests, by Ralph Gomory and," Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics.
Journal Article
Brandly, M. (1999). "The Irreversible Output Effects of Severance Taxes on Oil," Public Finance Review.
Brandly, M. "The Feds Spend More on National Debt-Interest Than You Think,"
Brandly, M. "Don’t Give Politicians Credit for a Growing Economy,"
Brandly, M. "Trump’s Hypocrisy on Currency Manipulation,"
Presentation Brandly, M., "The Case for Free Trade," Mises University, (July 17, 2020).
Presentation Brandly, M., "The Economics of Winning an Election," Mises University, (July 15, 2020).
Presentation Brandly, M., College of Business Colloquium Series, "The Case for Tariffs in a World of Capital Mobility," Ferris State University, (February 6, 2020).
Presentation Brandly, M., "Free Trade Versus Protectionism," Mises University, (July 16, 2019).
Presentation Brandly, M., Austrian Economics Research Conference, "Is There a Case for Tariffs in a World of Capital Mobility," (March 23, 2019).
Presentation Brandly, M., "Oil: Controls, Taxes, and Regulations," Mises University, (July 19, 2018).
Presentation Brandly, M., College of Business Colloquium Series, "The Impact of Horizontal Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing on our Drinking Water," Ferris State University, (September 7, 2017).
Presentation Brandly, M., Austrian Economics Research Conference, "Horizontal Drilling, Hydraulic Fracturing and Our Ground Water," (March 11, 2017).
Presentation Brandly, M., "What is a Libertarian," Young Americans for Liberty, Ferris State University, (January 25, 2017).
Presentation Brandly, M., "The Best Arguments for Protection and Why They are Wrong," Young Americans for Liberty, Ferris State University, (November 19, 2016).