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Lisa Eshbach, PhD

Lisa Eshbach, PhD

Lisa Eshbach, PhD
Lisa Eshbach, PhD

Operations & Supply Management and Business Administration
Phone: (231) 591-3197
Email: [email protected]


  • PhD, Wayne State University, Interdisciplinary - Industrial Engineering and Business Administration, Lean Manufacturing and Project Management
  • MS, Wayne State University, Industrial Engineering
  • MS, Central Michigan University, International Administration, International Business
  • AAS, Michigan Technological University, Electrical Engineering
  • BS, Michigan Technological University, Business Administration, Industrial Management


Lisa teaches Leadership, Lean Systems, and Strategic Management. She has facilitated over 170 student team experiential lean projects and over 210 service leadership focused projects, partnering with both profit and non-profit organizations through her Lean Systems and Leadership courses. Her teaching focuses on equipping students with the essential tools and skill sets needed to navigate the diverse challenges of the modern workplace.

Before joining FSU, Lisa worked at Ford Motor Company and Visteon Corporation for 13 years. In these roles, she served as a process improvement coach, project manager, and senior manufacturing engineer, implementing lean principles to boost productivity and profitability in both office and manufacturing settings through targeted process improvement initiatives.

Lisa’s research and writing interests explore case based research with implementing lean systems, leadership, and strategy within service and manufacturing organizations. Lisa has been a member of the Editorial Board for the Case Research Journal (CRJ) since 2016. She has also been an active member of the North American Case Research Association (NACRA) since 2009. Lisa has developed and presented cases at several NACRA conferences, published cases in the CRJ and served as the NACRA Vice President of Communications and Digital Technologies and Operations track chair.

Publications and Intellectual Contributions

  • Written Case with Instructional Material
    Eshbach, L., Levenburg (2020). "Keweenaw Mountain Lodge: An Opportunity Worth Pursuing?" Case Research Journal. 40 (1).
  • Written Case with Instructional Material
    Eshbach, L., Levenburg, N. (2018). "Royal Beginnings Bridal and Formal: Buying for a Boutique," In J. Lawrence (Ed.), Case Research Journal. 38 (2).
  • Written Case with Instructional Material
    Eshbach, L. (2015). "Ferris Valley Foods: Corporate Governance and Reentry," In J. Lawrence (Ed.), D. Ettington (Ed.), Case Research Journal. 35 (4).
  • Journal Article
    Eshbach, L., Gilley, A., Kouider, E., Gilley, J. W. (2013). "Gender Differences in Leading Change," In T. Yerigan (Ed.), Granite Falls, MN: Center for Scholastic Inquiry.


  • Oral Presentation
    Eshbach, L. (Author & Presenter), Lean Higher Ed (HE) Quick Takes, "Student Experiential Project Team Model," Lean Higher Ed Americas, Virtual, (August 20, 2024).
  • Keynote Speaker Track
    Eshbach, L. (Author & Presenter), Wade, D. (Author & Presenter), 2024 MLC Annual Conference, "Bridging Academia & Industry: Experiential Learning for Tomorrow's Leaders," Michigan Lean Consortium, Traverse City, MI, (August 14, 2024).
  • Oral Presentation
    Eshbach, L. (Author & Presenter), Lean Systems Training Graduation Ceremony, "Experiential Lean Learning Opportunities for Tomorrow's Leaders," Michigan Technological University, Virtual, (April 2, 2024).
  • Oral Presentation
    Eshbach, L. (Author & Presenter), Wade, D. (Author & Presenter), Lean Summit 2024, "Bridging Academia & Industry: Experiential Lean Learning for Tomorrow's Leaders," Lean Enterprise Institute, Carlsbad, CA, (March 20, 2024).
  • Oral Presentation
    Eshbach, L. (Author & Presenter), Sukup, L. (Author & Presenter), 2023 North American Case Research Association (NACRA) Conference, "Student Experiential Projects and Case Writing," North America Case Reserach Association, San Antonio, TX, (October 6, 2023).
  • Paper
    Eshbach, L., 2023 North American Case Research Association (NACRA) Conference, "The Village Gift Store and Café L'Anse: Value Proposition Decision Time," North American Case Research Association, San Antonio, TX, (October 6, 2023).
  • Session Co-facilitator
    Eshbach, L. (Other), Michigan Lean Consortium Annual Conference, "Building a Better MLC—Ideation Session to Gather Critical Feedback for Community of Practices," Michigan Lean Consortium, Traverse City, MI, (August 11, 2022).
  • Oral Presentation
    Eshbach, L. (Author & Presenter), Lopez, G. (Author & Presenter), Sukup, L. (Author & Presenter), Marion, D. (Author & Presenter), Lean HE 2021 International Conference, "LHE 2021: Creating and Implementing An Experiential Business Innovation and Lean Center at Ferris State University," University of Strathclyde Glasgow Scotland, Virtual, (October 21, 2021).
  • Oral Presentation
    Eshbach, L. (Author & Presenter), Hegenauer, J. D. (Presenter), Burke, K. (Presenter), Slater, C. (Presenter), Glynn, T. (Presenter), Lean Higher Ed Global Festival Conference, "Developing and Assessing Experiential Student Team Lean Projects," Lean Higher Ed, Virtual, (October 20, 2020).
  • Oral Presentation
    Eshbach, L. (Author & Presenter), Lean in Academia Community of Practice, "Using Student Team Experiential Lean Projects with Industry Partners," Michigan Lean Consortium, Virtual, (October 1, 2020).