Management Department, BUS 212
119 South St.
BUS 200
Big Rapids, MI
(231) 591-2427
[email protected]
Hanna Zimmer is a Spring 2022 Graduate of the Operations and Supply Management Bachelor’s degree program with a Certificate in Leadership and Supervision. She currently works as a Buyer at Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors. Hanna earned a CAPM Certificate from the Project Management Institute and a Lean Bronze Certificate from the SME organization.
As far as the OSM curriculum she writes, “The OSM curriculum has prepared me greatly for all three of my internships thus far. I think what makes the program so special are the opportunities to be involved in/lead student experiential projects to directly exhibit what we have learned in the classroom. This program is truly “hands on” and allows you to get a great feel for what your career in the field will look like post-graduation. Personally, I have been able to be involved in 3 student experiential projects/teams acting as consultants to local businesses in Big Rapids! These experiences have provided me with numerous networking opportunities, which have proven to advance my professional development!”
Hanna also provides some advice to current/future students when she writes, “Soak in all the knowledge you can from your professors. Be engaged with them and ask them about their experiences within their careers. There is so much to learn when you ask questions! Also, I would advise to take any opportunity that the program/The College of Business gives to you! Guiding and helping other students will also help you in the long run!”
Wow, what great advice, Hanna! We appreciate your responses and continued involvement in the program.