For their generous help in the preparation of this book, the author is extremely grateful to the staff of the Ferris State College Library, especially Larry Martin and Lillian Masselink Wright who man the Historical Room; to Jerry Sholl for photography of memorabilia; to Richard Harris, who originated the central theme; to Jean Waddell, who typed the manuscript; to Garth Kriewall, who edited the manuscript and designed its layout; to Neva Martin, who supplied numerous dates and bits of other vital information; to Robert Stechschulte, who agreed to take on the typography and production of the book as a student educational project for the FSC Graphic Arts Department; and to Susan Martin, who typed and keylined the manuscript for printing.
Special thanks also go to Clifford Larsen, Patricia Coyle, William Papo, Tim Pendell, Jackie Fandell, Jack McNamara, and Helen Ferris Vartan for their interest and input.
Particular thanks are deserved by my wife Virginia who "suffered" me the luxury of keeping almost regular working hours at the College in my first six years of retirement as I prepared this book.
Joseph E. Deupree
Big Rapids, MI
Nov. 1981
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