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Architecture and Facility Management Student Organizations

American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS)

The FSU chapter of AIAS is a student organization focusing on topics of architecture and facility management. Membership is open to all interested students. As a chapter we are interested in the architectural profession and issues that concern the built environment.

This year we look forward to participating in university and local community service activities that directly deal with the enhancement of the built environment.

Students attend the annual AIAS convention, FORUM, that provides the opportunity to learn about issues facing the profession, meet students and professionals, and interact with today's leading architects and designers.

The mission of the FSU chapter of the AIAS is:

  • To promote excellence in architectural education, training and practice.
  • To foster an appreciation of architecture and related disciplines.
  • To enrich communities in a spirit of collaboration and service.
  • To organize students and combine their efforts to advance the art and science of architecture.

Chapter President - Leah Nagy -

Ferris State University AIAS Student chapter

International Facility Management Association (IFMA)

An active student chapter of IFMA participates in academic and social activities. It also maintains a close relationship with the professional members of the West Michigan Chapter of IFMA.

The mission of the FSU Chapter of IFMA is:

  • To network locally with FM professionals through meetings, educational courses, social functions, and facility tours.
  • To provide job-seeking services and potential employment connections.
  • To participate in World Workplace (IFMA's annual International conference) as attendees and scholarship recipients.
  • To organize and to be actively involved in local community projects.

Chapter President - Brielle Butler -

Women in Technology (WIT)

An active student chapter of WIT, open to all students in the College of Engineering Technology, participates in academic and social activities that enhance interest and involvement of women in traditionally male dominated professions. As an organization we hope to influence and increase female enrollment in CET academic programs with the direct result of strengthening female representation in the workplace.