College of Engineering Technology
JOH 200
1009 Campus Drive
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Phone: (231) 591-2890
Fax: (231) 591-2946
Mary C. Feindt has a distinguished history of exemplary leadership and outstanding service to the surveying engineering profession and to Ferris State University.
Mrs. Feindt is the first woman in the State of Michigan to have become a registered land surveyor. Four years after receiving a B.S. degree in Geodesy and Surveying in 1938 from the University of Michigan, Mrs. Feindt became a licensed professional surveyor. She also holds a B.A. degree, received in 1937 at Albion College, and an M.S. degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Michigan, received in 1944.
For more than half a century, Mrs. Feindt has been owner and president of Charlevoix Abstract & Engineering Company. She works full time operating the business, acting as Charlevoix County Surveyor, and often testifying in court as an expert witness on land survey and title examination issues.
In addition to her other duties, Mrs. Feindt acts as liaison between the American
Congress on Surveying and Mapping and the American Land Title Association, and she
travels nationwide and worldwide to share her expertise with various survey and title
Mrs. Feindt, who helped to organize Ferris State University's surveying department,
serves on the University's Surveying Engineering Advisory Committee. In that capacity,
she contributes to FSU's educational programs for surveyors and engineers, providing
insight on how classroom teaching can reflect the real-world environment of working
professionals. In 1993, Mrs. Feindt received an award from the University's College
of Technology for outstanding service to the profession of surveying engineering.
Her long list of awards and honors continues to grow, the most recent was added this past October when she was given the American Society of Civil Engineers 1998 Surveying & Mapping Award. The Mary C. Feindt Award was named for her on July 17, 1987, to be given on special occasions at the annual meeting for dedicated service to the Michigan Land Title Association. Mrs. Feindt has been recognized innumerable times for her professional and community achievements.
In recognition of her outstanding leadership and contributions to Ferris State University, the Board of Trustees of Ferris State University offers its sincere gratitude and takes great pride in conferring upon Mary C. Feindt the honorary degree of Doctor of Business and Industry, with all the rights and privileges thereunto appertaining