Institute for Construction Education and Training (ICET)
1018 Maple St.
Big Rapids, MI 49307
To register for QC/QA, click here.
This 4 day Michigan Bituminous QC/QA Technician Certification Program is a comprehensive testing process to verify the qualifications of individuals involved with quality control or quality assurance testing. THIS IS NOT A TRAINING COURSE. Applicants must be knowledgeable of the QC/QA test procedures and specifications (Sec. 504, 2003 Standard Specifications for Construction and relevant Special Provisions), and documentation of test results. Applicants must be proficient at performing the tests as described in the HMA Production Manual, Section 3.
It is mandatory that all persons involved in testing on Quality Control/Quality Assurance (QC/QA) OR Percent Within Limits (PWL) bituminous contracts with Federal Aid be qualified by this program. The purpose of this program is to comply with the requirements of the Federal Highway Administration final rule 23CFR Part 637 -- Quality Assurance Procedure for Construction of June 29, 1995.
Applicants must submit ten (10) complete sets of QC/QA tests performed during the most recent certification period (3 years) as a QC/QA Certified Technician. The “complete set” is defined as the QC/QA tests required by the specification for a sub-lot, including HMA volumetric data. HMA test reports that contain only binder content results and gradation results are not acceptable. Attach Copies of supporting documentation for ten (10)complete sets of tests. For Michigan Department of Transportation QC/QA OR PWL projects, submit Report of Verification/Acceptance (MDOT Form 1903B or equivalent) or Report of Contractor’s Quality Control Test (MDOT Form 1903C or equivalent). The documentation must also include independent verification test reports for two (2) of the ten tests submitted. Independent verification test reports are defined as: A QA verification test, An Independent Assurance Test, QC test for the same sub-lot of the QA test submitted as one of the “10” tests, or Test results with all QC/QA parameters for the same mix production split, tested by a tester with a different employer. (For example, a local agency project where the Owner and Industry testers each perform tests for this purpose.) The candidates worksheets shall be submitted with MDOT Form 1903B, 1903C or equivalent.
NOTE: An applicant may perform these tests on a local agency or private paving project, as long as all the verification criteria is met and test reports including volumetric data is included. Current Certification as a Michigan Certified Aggregate Technician or as a Michigan Certified Bituminous Laboratory Technician Level 1, is not required. Individuals qualified for this program will fulfill the requirements of the Michigan Certified Bituminous Laboratory Technician Level I.
Please mail all test reports to The Ferris State University Construction Institute at 126 Howard Ave, Big Rapids, MI 49307
An applicant will be considered qualified when all of the following requirements have been met:
The qualification period is three years.
Submit test reports from thirty (30) complete sets of QC/QA tests performed during the most recent certification period (3 years) as a QC/QA Certified Technician. The 30 sets of QC/QA tests may be obtained from MDOT or Local Agency QC/QA OR Percent Within Limits (PWL) projects, accompanied by independent verification test reports. These tests must be QC or QA tests performed as actual project documentation, including all required volumetric test results, and must be part of the project records. A recommended source for the verification test is the comparison between initial production lots. Submit four independent verification test reports for the 30 sets of QC/QA test. The test data will be reviewed by the QC/QA Certification Program Committee to determine eligibility for recertification.
An applicant will be considered recertified when all of the following requirements
have been met:
The written examination requires a minimum passing score of 75%. If a QCQA Technician does not score at least 75% on the written examination, they will be required to register for the next available QCQA Recertification Course, pay the course fee, attend the one-day refresher course, and retake the written examination. If the QCQA Technician fails the written examination the second time, they will be required to register for the next available four-day QCQA Certification Course, pay the course fee, attend the entire four-day course, complete the written examination, and complete the practical examination.
NOTE: The recertification period is three years. A practical examination of another 1/2 day may be required, performing the vacuum extraction including the gradation analysis if it was not completed during the original certification.
Please mail all test reports to The Ferris State University Construction Institute at 126 Howard Ave, Big Rapids, MI 49307
1018 Maple St.
Big Rapids, MI 49307