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Mentorship Opportunities

Ferris offers a number of different mentorship opportunities for students in a variety of different areas. Below is a list of many of these opportunities. In addition, be sure to talk with your academic advisor about additional opportunities that may be available in your specific academic program. 

In addition to the formal mentoring programs listed below, there are many First-Gen Allies in several programs and campus offices willing to serve as a mentor to First-Gen Students. If you are interested in connecting with a First-Gen Mentor, please send an email to [email protected] to learn more. 

Amigos de Promesa Scholars Program

Amigos de Promesa Scholars Program is a Latin@ Focused partnership between the Center for Leadership, Activities, Career Services (CLACS) office, and the West Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to prepare, connect, and support Latinx students with high quality internship experiences for career readiness.


BMEN (Black Male Empowerment Network) is a program that focus on the development and success of Black male students at Ferris State University. Students who participate will be granted a variety of free opportunities to develop academically, professionally, socially, and culturally. Students can contact OMSS if they're interested in the B.M.E.N. program at (231) 591-2617 or [email protected].

Ferris Student Nurses Association Mentorship Program

The Ferris Student Nurse Association (FSNA) offers a mentoring program in which students further along in the nursing curriculum are assigned as mentors to students who are just starting out in the program. Students are not required to participate, with both mentors and mentees volunteering to participate. The intent is for the students who are further along in the program to assist with course work, navigating the nursing program, working together on FSNA responsibilities, and being an overall support person. For more information please contact Becky Johnson-Himes to learn more. 

Ferris Youth Initiative

The Ferris Youth Initiative Johnson Scholars program positively impacts the lives of youth who are alumni of foster care and who attend Ferris State University. The program is designed to provide support and learning opportunities throughout the student’s academic career by incorporating academic success, character development, and positive approaches to their holistic well-being.

Honors Peer and Alumni Mentoring Programs

The Honors program at Ferris offers two mentorship opportunities to students in the program. Honors students may participate in a peer to peer mentoring program and/or an alumni mentoring program. For more information please contact Peter Bradley to learn more. 

Live-Learn Peer Mentors

The Peer mentoring program of the Live Learn communities at Ferris State University are designed to give first-year students support at the most critical time of a college career—the first semester. Each first-year students is matched with a peer mentor during move-in. During welcome week, first-year students participate in activities planned by the peer mentoring program.

Pharmacy Peer Mentor Program

The Pharmacy Peer Mentor Program (PPMP) aims to provide support and an increased sense of belonging to first-year pharmacy students (P1) by connecting them with a second-year pharmacy student (P2) who has been successful and shown professionalism within the program.  

Peer Success Coaching

All first-year students will automatically be enrolled into the Peer Success Mentoring program for one year. The Peer Success mentoring program connects first-year students with Peer Success Coaches who will work to establish connections to campus resources and a sense of belonging for all first-year students.

Promesa Scholars Program

The Promesa Scholars Program (PSP) is a Latin@ Focused leadership and retention program developed to assist students in navigating success throughout their education at Ferris State University. Students join the PSP during their first year at Ferris. Promesa Scholars integrate the Ferris Community through peer mentorships, academic preparation, leadership and cultural identity development. Students can contact Kaylee Burke to learn more.

Ready for Life Peer Mentors

The Ready for Life Academy (RFLA) is a two-year, post-secondary program for adults ages 18-26 with a developmental disability. The program provides students with college experience, while learning the transition skills they will need to obtain paid employment and live independently. RFLA is looking for mentors who build reciprocal relationships with the Ready For Life Academy students each semester. Students can contact Sandy Baker or call (231) 750-1205. 


TOWERS (Teaching Others What Establishes Real Success) is a program that promotes multicultural student engagement, learning and development for 1st and 2nd year students. Students participate in interactive discussions, engage in leadership development activities, connect with a network of student leaders, and receive support to assist with student life and academics. Students can contact OMSS if they're interested in the T.O.W.E.R.S. program at (231) 591-2617 or [email protected].

TIP Peer Mentoring and Success Coaches

Students who are part of TIP (Tuition Incentive Program) are eligible to be connected with a Peer Success Coach who can help connect you to resources, develop a sense of belonging, and keep you aimed at reaching your academic goals. Students can contact Patrick Weisgerber to learn more about this opportunity.