FLITE Library, Rm. 120
(231) 591-3543
[email protected]
Services Offered
Classroom Tutoring
The tutor works in a classroom during scheduled class hours along with a professor and it takes place on a regularly scheduled basis. Attendance is taken at these sessions.
- Example: MATH 115 ALEKS, BIOL 321
Workshop Tutoring
Scheduled tutoring in a specific meeting place, at a specific time, for a specific course. Usually conducted on a weekly or biweekly basis. These sessions can be open to all students who are registered for a course, regardless of the course section or instructor, but may be more inclusive depending on the nature of the workshop. Attendance is taken at these sessions.
- Example: EEET 212, BIOL 108, BIOL 372, CHEM 114, ARCH
Flex Tutoring
The Flex tutor is contacted by the student, using information given to them by either the instructor or the Academic Support Center. An appointment is set up that accommodates both of their schedules. The tutoring is set up in a public place such as FLITE. Students are allowed two hours of tutoring per week, per subject. Flex tutoring is typically conducted on a one-on-one basis, but can be with a small group of students. Flex tutoring is used for those subjects that may not be in high demand for tutoring.
- Example: GERM 100, 101, 102, 201, RESIDENTIAL HALLS
Center Tutoring
Center tutoring takes place in the Academic Support Center within the scheduled hours of operation. The tutors set their hours of availability within the guidelines of the Center supervisor. Tutoring is typically conducted on a one-on-one basis, but on occasion tutors see small groups of students who have a course and instructor in common. Paraprofessionals are also available on a scheduled basis for specific courses to include: Math, Chemistry, and Physics.
- Example: MATH 110, MATH 115, CHEM 321, ACCT 202
SLA Tutoring
Some Structured Learning Assistance Workshops have very high attendance rates for students who are required to attend. In such cases, one or more tutors may be assigned to help the facilitator within their scheduled workshops. Participation is limited to the specific SLA Section.
- Example: PHAR 311, CHEM 231