Virtual Deliberative Dialogues
Stay engaged and connected to the local and global communities with Virtual Deliberative Dialogues! The Office of International is utilizing the deliberative dialogue model of discussion in its Global Engagement e-Certificate Program. Enter into conversations with peers here and around the world to not only contribute your ideas but gain new perspectives as well. Facilitators will be in attendance to begin and moderate dialogues.
Dialogues will be focused on topics of sustainability and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). During deliberative dialogues, participants have the opportunity to discuss a complex issue or problem in order to explore a shared understanding of it and the challenges we face in our local and global communities. By entering in this discussion with peers from around the world, participants are able to examine the issue through diverse prospectives, and consider the benefits and tradeoffs of proposed actions and solutions through these lenses.
Click here to learn more about the Global Engagement e-Certificate Program.