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Daniel Boyll, PhD

Daniel Boyll, PhD

Adjunct Instructor Level 3
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Phone: (231) 591-2731
Email: [email protected]


  • PhD, Central Michigan University, Experimental Psychology
  • MS, Central Michigan University, Experimental Psychology
  • BA, Knox College, Psychology

Publications and Intellectual Contributions

  • Commentary
    Boyll, D., Sheffert, S. M., Colarelli, S. M., Gibson, B. (2005). "Cheater recognition and the avoidance of exploitation in social exchange." Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics. pp. 49-54.


  • Oral Presentation
    Boyll, D., Gibson, B., 24th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, "Facial appearance and thin slices of behavior as potential “greenbeards” for trustworthiness," Chicago, Illinois, (2012).
  • Presentation
    Boyll, D., 13th Annual Student Research and Creative Endeavors Exhibition, "Recognition, explicit identification, and avoidance of “cheaters”: Does an adaptive bias exist," Mt. Pleasant, MI, (2007).
  • Presentation
    Boyll, D., 47th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, "Recognition, explicit identification, and avoidance of “cheaters”: Does an adaptive bias exist," Houston, TX, (2006).
  • Oral Presentation
    Boyll, D., 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, "Cheater recognition and avoidance of exploitation," the International Society for Psychophysics, Traverse City, MI, (2005).
  • Presentation
    Boyll, D., 11th Annual Student Research and Creative Endeavors Exhibition, "Cheater recognition and the avoidance of exploitation in social exchange," Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI, (2005).
  • Oral Presentation
    Boyll, D., Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, "Cheater recognition and the avoidance of exploitation in social exchange," Toronto, Canada, (2005).
  • Presentation
    Boyll, D., Annual Scientific Meeting of the Chicago Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience, "Behavioral and neurochemical effects of methamphetamine: Restorative effects of irreversible MAOI," Chicago, Illinois, (2003).
  • Presentation
    Boyll, D., Pew Midstates Mathematics and Science Consortium (Undergraduate Research Symposium), "Behavioral and neurochemical effects of methamphetamine: Restorative effects of irreversible MAOI," Chicago, Illinois, (2002).