College of Arts, Sciences and Education
(231) 591-3660
Kirk Weller, PhD
Academic Department Head
Phone: (231) 591-2594
Email: [email protected]
- PhD, University of Notre Dame, Mathematics
- MS, University of Notre Dame, Mathematics
- BA, Hope College, Mathematics
Previous positions:
Bethel College (IN) 1991-2002
University of North Texas 2002-06
University of Michigan Flint 2006-08
Ferris State University 2008 - present
Weller earned his BA in mathematics from Hope College and MS and PhD from the University of Notre Dame. After earning his terminal degree in mathematics, he changed his scholarly focus to collegiate mathematics education in the late 1990s. For about 10 years, he was a member of RUMEC (Research is Undergraduate Mathematics Education Community). His collaborative work in mathematics education has focused on linear algebra, students' conceptions of mathematical infinity, and the application of APOS Theory to the learning of mathematical concepts. Weller is currently involved in projects that promote retention among developmental students.
Publications and Intellectual Contributions
- Journal Article
Cavner Williams, L., Conley, K., Courtright-Nash, D., Pavletic, H., Weller, K., Zimmer, M. E. (2024). "Transformation of Instruction to Enhance Student Success," Journal of College Literacy and Learning. Volume 49 - Book Chapter
Dubinsky, E., Vidakovic, D., Weller, K. (2018). "APOS Theory: Use of computer programs to foster mental constructions and student’s creativity," In V. Freeman (Ed.), J. L. Tassell (Ed.), Creativity and Technology in Mathematics Education. pp. 441-477. New York: Springer. - Journal Article
Weller, K., Trouba, J., Wood, R. (2015). "A comparison of instructional delivery formats in intermediate algebra," MathAMATYC Educator. 7 (1). pp. 14-23. - Book
Arnon, I., Cottrill, J., Dubinsky, E., Oktac, A., Roa Fuentes, S., Trigueros, M., Weller, K. (2014). "APOS Theory: A Framework for Research and Curriculum Development in Mathematics Education," New York: Springer. - Journal Article
Dubinsky, E., Arnon, I., Weller, K. (2013). "Preservice teachers’ understanding of the relation between a fraction or integer and its decimal expansion: A cognitive analysis," Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education. 13 (3). pp. 232-258. - Journal Article
Weller, K., Arnon, I., Dubinsky, E. (2011). "Preservice teachers’ understanding of the relation between a fraction or integer and its decimal expansion: Strength and stability of belief," Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education. 11 (2). pp. 129-159. - Book Chapter
Brown, A., McDonald, M., Weller, K. (2010). "Step by step: Infinite iterative processes and actual infinity," In F. Hitt (Ed.), D. Holton (Ed.), P. Thompson (Ed.), Research in Collegiate Mathematics VII. pp. 115-142. Providence, NJ: American Mathematical Society. - Journal Article
Weller, K., Arnon, I., Dubinsky, E. (2009). "Pre-service teachers’ understanding of the relation between a fraction or integer and its decimal expansion," Canadian Journal for Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education. 9 (1). pp. 5-28. - Journal Article
Weller, K., Tunks, J. (2009). "Changing practice, changing minds, from arithmetical to algebraic thinking: An application of the Concerns Based Adoption Model (CBAM)," Educational Studies in Mathematics. 72 (2). pp. 161-183. - Journal Article
Weller, K., Stenger, C., Weller, K., Arnon, I., Dubinsky, E., Vidakovic, D. (2008). "A search for a constructivist approach for understanding an uncountable set," Revista Latinoamericana de Investigación en Matemática Educativa. 11 (1). pp. 93-125.
- Oral Presentation
Cavner Williams, L., Conley, K., Courtright-Nash, D., LaGrand, J., Pavletic, H., Weller, K., Zimmer, M. E., Teaching Academic Survival Skills Conference, "Expanding student and program success through faculty discourse analysis," Fort Lauderdale, FL, (March 21, 2023). - Oral Presentation
Conley, K. (Author & Presenter), Weller, K. (Author & Presenter), Cavner Williams, L. (Author & Presenter), Pavletic, H. (Author & Presenter), American Association of State Colleges and Universities, "Walking the Talk- Leading the Equity Centered University," AASCU, Virtual, (February 2021). - Keynote/Plenary Address
Bentley, J., Cavner Williams, L., Conley, K., Pavletic, H., Weller, K., American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) Winter Meeting, "Exemplary practices: Increasing retention and reducing time-to-degree in the cross-curricular career community," American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), Virtual, (January 2021). - Oral Presentation
Cavner Williams, L., Pavletic, H., Weller, K., Conley, K., Great Lakes Regional Student Success Conference, "Scalable Co-requisite Cohorts: Professionalism in Developmental Reading, Writing, and Math," Detriot, MI, (March 2019). - Oral Presentation
Weller, K. (Author & Presenter), Haik, K. (Author & Presenter), Academic Chairperson's Conference, "Building Community and Teaching Excellence Among Adjunct Faculty," Kansas State University, Houston, TX, (February 2019). - Poster
Conley, K. (Author & Presenter), Pavletic, H. (Author & Presenter), Weller, K. (Author & Presenter), Cavner-Williams, L. (Author & Presenter), Great Lakes Regional Student Success Conference, "Using Community, Exploration, and Professionalism as a Ladder for Success," Oakland University, Detroit, Michigan, (February 2018). - Oral Presentation
Conley, K. (Author & Presenter), Pavletic, H. (Author & Presenter), Weller, K. (Author & Presenter), Cavner-Williams, L. (Author & Presenter), Michigan Developmental Education Consortium, "Changing Pedagogical Teaching Approaches to Increase Student Success in English, Reading, and Mathematics," Delta College, Bay City, Michigan, (October 2017). - Oral Presentation
Conley, K. A. (Author & Presenter), Pavletic, H. (Author & Presenter), Weller, K. (Author & Presenter), Carner-Williams, L. (Author & Presenter), Research-Based Best Practices in Developmental Education, "Changing Pedagogical Teaching Approaches to Increase Student Success in English, Reading, and Mathematics," Michigan Developmental Education Consortium, Delta College, Bay City Michigan, (October 13, 2017). - Panel Discussion
Weller, K. (Panelist), Rotman, J. (Panelist), Annual Meeting of the Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America, "Discussion of the Michigan Transfer Agreement," MAA, Flint, MI, (May 2014). - Panel Discussion
Weller, K. (Panelist), Michigan Student Success Summit, "The Right Math at the Right Time," Oakland University, Lansing, MI, (October 2013).