Administrative Council
420 Oak Street
Prakken 150
Big Rapids, MI 49307
[email protected]
The purpose of the FSU Administrative Council is:
Non-probationary, full-time and temporary full-time employees of the University defined within the Board of Trustees Personnel Policies as "just cause" (6-001-8) are considered members of the group represented by the FSU Administrative Council. This will include EIO employees who do not work on the Big Rapids campus.
A 15-member Council will be elected for two-year terms following the initial year of organization. Members of this Council will be elected from their divisions as follows (First Year/Second Year):
Division | Total Number of Council Members | # of 1-year Members | # of 2-year Members |
Academic Affairs (including EIO) | 5 | 3 | 2 |
Administration and Finance | 5 | 3 | 2 |
Student Affairs | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Advancement and Marketing | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Governmental Relations/General Counsel | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Executive Division | 1 | 0 | 1 |
A representative from Human Resources outside of the Administrative Council definition will serve as an ex-officio member. This HR representative will assist with annual elections, scheduling meetings, and by providing assistance and support for the officers of this Council during meetings and with designated project work.
For the inaugural year, FSU Human Resources offered a call for nominations September 2011. Beginning 2012, the following timeline will be followed:
August | Nominations held/Confirmation of nomination acceptance |
September | Elections (newly elected members attend September meeting if available) |
October | Newly elected Council Members begin official duties |
Members representing the listed University divisions may nominate individuals from their respective division. All nominations and anonymous ballots will be conducted through an electronic survey instrument with assistance from Human Resources. Mid-term vacancies will be filled as soon as possible through appointment by the Administrative Council.
The officers of the Administrative Council will include a chair, vice-chair, and a secretary. The first chair was selected by the Administrative Council during their first January 2012 meeting. The nominations of the vice-chair and secretary followed in sequence. During subsequent years, the election of officers will be held in October via anonymous ballot.
The chair of the Administrative Council will be responsible for attending Leadership Council meetings (or designate an alternate in their absence) and facilitating Administrative Council meetings.
The vice-chair will serve in the absence of the chair, oversee standing committees, and assist the chair where necessary.
The secretary is responsible for recording and distributing minutes.
The Administrative Council (elected) members will have the following responsibilities:
The chair, with the Administrative Council members, will be responsible for determining the frequency, time and place for meetings. The appointed Human Resources representative will assist with the scheduling process.
The FSU Administrative Council may establish subcommittees to complete project assignments as necessary. Two standing committees will be maintained for the following: