1201 S. State Street
Timme Building 1st Floor
Office: (231) 591-2147
Fax: (231) 591-2978
[email protected]
The Ferris State University Safety, Health, Environment & Risk Management Department is the contact department for Occupational Safety and Health Administration inspections, notification of inspections or complaints. Additional contact departments are listed below for a variety of regulatory agencies that may inspect campus facilities. Please contact your facility administrator and the contact department.
MiOSHA inspections are always conducted without advance notice. There are, however, special circumstances under which MiOSHA may give notice to the employer, but such a notice will normally be less than 24 hours. These circumstances include the following:
- Imminent danger situations that require correction as soon as possible;
- Accident investigations where the employer has notified the agency of a fatality or catastrophe;
- Inspections that must take place after regular business hours or that require special preparation;
- Cases where notice is required to ensure that the employer and employee representative or other personnel will be present; Cases where an inspection must be delayed for more than 5 working days when there is good cause; and
- Situations in which MiOSHA determines that advance notice would produce a more thorough or effective inspection.
Employers who receive advance notice of an inspection must inform their employees' representative or arrange for MiOSHA to do so. If an employer refuses to admit an MiOSHA compliance officer or if an employer attempts to interfere with the inspection, the Act permits appropriate legal action, such as obtaining a warrant to inspect.