Rita Walters
College/Department: Social Work
Title: Associate Professor
Office: Arts & Sciences 1029
Phone: 517-256-0091
Email: [email protected]
- Undergraduate Institution: Lincoln University
- Undergraduate Major(s) & Degree(s) Achieved: B.S. in Criminal Justice
- Graduate Institution(s): Michigan State University
- Graduate Major(s) & Degree(s) Achieved: MSW, PhD
How did you learn that you were a first generation college student?
My high school counselor, although term first-generation wasn't used as widely back then.
What support system or mentors did you have in college?
Dormmates and faculty mentor/advisor
What is something that you know now, that you wish you knew when you were in college?
How to better advocate for and ask for help.
What advice do you have for a first-generation college student pursuing a degree at Ferris?
Be honest with what support you need, where you challenges are and seek out folks who can provide that support, meet your needs. Don't feel like you have to do it alone.