Report an Incident Online: This form serves as a means by which anyone may file a report about sexual misconduct.
This form is also for complainants who wish to notify the institution of the incident.
After a report is filed, a member of the Title IX team will reach out to the harmed
person to schedule a meeting. Your first meeting will be to discuss your options and
support resources. You will also be given the option to file a formal complaint, if
you wish.
Common Questions About Reporting
Yes, incidents can be reported online or in person. The University takes all complaints
of discriminatory conduct seriously and is committed to prompt, thorough, and appropriate
review of allegations made or known to the administration. Individuals who believe
that they have been the victims of conduct prohibited by the University’s Sexual Harassment
Policy or who believe that they have witnessed or otherwise have information about
conduct in violation of those University policies should promptly report complaints
to the University.
Complainants may pursue some or all of these steps at the same time.
Complainants need not know which course of action they wish to request, nor how to
label what happened.
Complainants and other reporting persons are encouraged to seek support and information
from a confidential resource.
Department of Public Safety 1319 Cramer Circle Big Rapids MI 49307-2128 (231) 591-5000
Contact the Ferris State University Title IX Coordinator to make an internal complaint/report.
David L. Eisler Center 129D 805 Campus Dr., Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 591-2088
All University employees have a duty to report Sexual Harassment, regardless of where
it occurs. to the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator when they
receive a report of such conduct or witness such conduct. The report must include
all known relevant details of the alleged Sexual Harassment. This reporting obligation
includes employees who may have a professional license requiring confidentiality if
they are not employed by the University in that professional role.
Any individual may make a report of an act of Sexual Harassment. The report may be
made without disclosing the identities of the parties involved. However, the University’s
ability to respond to the third party report of Sexual Harassment may be limited by
the amount of information provided.
It is a violation of University policy to engage in Retaliation. Individuals who believe
they have been retaliated against should report that retaliation to the University
so that the behavior(s) may be addressed.
Retaliation should be reported to any of the following campus departments:
Title IX Coordinator Phone: (231) 591-2088
Ferris State Department of Public Safety Hours: 24/7 Dispatch Phone: (231) 591-5000 Crime Hotline [email protected]
Office of Student Community Standards Hours: M-F, 8-12 p.m. and 1-5 p.m. Phone: (231) 591-3619
Office of the Dean of Student Life Hours: M-F, 8-12 p.m. and 1-5 p.m. Phone: (231) 591-5916
When reporting an allegation of retaliation to the one or more campus resources your
privacy will be a significant priority. Information regarding the allegation will
only be shared with individuals who have direct responsibility for responding to the
allegation, addressing its effects, and preventing any recurrence.
Anyone, regardless of gender, racial background, sexual orientation, or education
level can be impacted by sexual violence. There is no standard way to respond to trauma
and a person may experience a few, none, or all of the following range of emotions:
shock and numbness; loss of control; fear; guilt and self-blame; isolation; vulnerability
and distrust; sexual fears; anger; and disruption of daily activities.
Remember coping means different things to different people. It is your right to choose
how you respond to your experience and how you want to proceed.
To report an incident, contact one or both these on-campus resources
Title IX Coordinator Jess Ettell Irvine [email protected] (231) 591-5916
Department of Public Safety Emergencies: Dial 911 Non-Emergencies: (231) 591-5000 Campus Crime Hotline: [email protected]