220 Ferris Drive
Rm. 201
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2252
Michael E. Klepser, PharmD, FCCP

Pharmacy Practice
Phone: (269) 337-6480
Email: [email protected]
- PharmD, University of Michigan
Graduate/Post-Graduate Training
- Fellowship, Infectious Diseases Fellowship, Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT
- Residency, Pharmacy Practice Residency, Detroit Receiving Hospital and University Health Center, Detroit, MI
Publications and Intellectual Contributions
- Journal Article
Covyeou, J. A., Klepser, M. E. (2024). "Multiplex CLIA-waived point-of-care tests for SARS-CoV-2, influenza A and B, ± other respiratory pathogens: A systematic review." Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA. 64 (4). p. 102090. - Journal Article
Zalupski, B., Elroumi, Z., Klepser, M. E. (2024). "Pharmacy-Based CLIA-Waived Testing in the United States: Trends, Impact, and the Road Ahead." Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. - Journal Article
Adams, A. J., Klepser, M. E. (2023). "Pharmacist Prescribing Models for HIV Pre-exposure and Post-exposure Prophylaxis." The Annals of pharmacotherapy. p. 10600280231187171. - Journal Article
Beam, T., Klepser, D., Klepser, M. E., Bright, D. R., Klepser, N., Schuring, H., Wheeler, S., Langerveld, A. (2023). "COVID-19 host genetic risk study conducted at community pharmacies: Implications for public health, research and pharmacists’ scope of practice," Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. - Journal Article
McMahon, B., Fouts, M., Klepser, D., Klepser, M. E. (2023). "Implementation of a pharmacy-based blood lead testing program: a retrospective analysis." Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA. - Journal Article
Klepser, N., Koski, M., Koski, R. R., Klepser, D., Klepser, M. (2023). "Community Pharmacist-Provided Test and Treat Programs for Acute Infectious Conditions," Journal of American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 6 pp. 1030-1040. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. - Editorial
Mahoney, M. V., Bhagat, H., Christian, R., Del Rio, C., Hohmeier, K. C., Klepser, M. E., Pogue, J. M. (2022). "Pharmacists as important prescribers of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) antivirals." Antimicrobial stewardship & healthcare epidemiology : ASHE. 2 (1). p. e112. - Book Chapter
Pontefract, B., Klepser, M. E. (2022). "The antifungal agents," Understanding Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians, 2nd Edition. - Journal Article
Klepser, M. E., Koski, R. R. (2022). "Molecular Point-of-Care Testing in the Community Pharmacy Setting: Current Status and Future Prospects," Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics. TBD (TBD). pp. 1-14. London: Taylor and Francis Online. - Journal Article
Hohmeier, K. C., McKeirnan, K., Akers, J., Klepser, M. E., Klepser, S. A., Chen, C., Klepser, D. G. (2022). "Implementing community pharmacy-based influenza point-of-care test-and-treat under collaborative practice agreement." Implementation science communications. 3 (1). p. 77.
- Poster
Zalupski, B. (Author & Presenter), Elroumi, Z. (Author & Presenter), Brown, A. (Author), Sohn, M., Klepser, M. E. (Author), ASHP Midyear, "Relationship of Maintenance Medication Adherence on Antibiotic Prescriptions in Adults with Asthma and COPD," American Society of Health-system Pharmacists, New Orleans, LA, (December 9, 2024). - Oral Presentation
Klepser, M. E., Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP). Atlanta, Georgia, "Measuring Antibiotic Use in Dentistry - Collaboration to Harmonize Antimicrobial Registry Measures (CHARM)," (February 3, 2024). - Webinar
Klepser, M. E., "Applying best practices for expedited partner therapy within emergency departments, pharmacies, and state health departments," NY Training Center, (March 7, 2024). - Oral Presentation
Klepser, M. E. (Presenter), Axford, K. L. (Presenter), 2024 State of Michigan HIV & STI Conference, "It's Okay to Ask: Destigmatizing Sexual Health," Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Kalamazoo, MI, (August 14, 2024). - Poster
Holmquist, H. (Author & Presenter), deVoest, A. (Author), Klepser, M. E. (Author), 2024 State of Michigan HIV & STI Conference, "College Students’ Understanding of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Kent and Ottawa Counties," MDHHS, Kalamazoo, MI, (August 23, 2024). - Poster
Mishreky, H. (Author & Presenter), Smith, C. (Author & Presenter), Sohn, M., Pontefract, B. (Author), Dahal, K., Klepser, M. E. (Author), ID Week, "Use of Collaboration to Harmonize Antimicrobial Registry Measure (CHARM) to Assess Antibiotic Prescribing in Dental Practices," Infectious Diseases Society of America, Los Angelis, CA, (October 19, 2024). - Poster
Dahal, K. (Author & Presenter), Klepser, M. E. (Author), Pontefract, B. (Author), Sohn, M. (Author), AMIA 2024 Clinical Informatics Conference, "Collaboration to Harmonize Antimicrobial Registry Measures (CHARM)," American Medical Informations Association, Minneapolis, MN, (May 21, 2024). - Poster
VanHouten, B. (Author & Presenter), Eckardt, O. (Author & Presenter), Sohn, M., Pontefract, B. (Author), Dahal, K., Klepser, M. E. (Author), ID Week, "Comparison of Antibiotic Prescribing for Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), Sinusitis, Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis, and Pyelonephritis by Provider Type," Infectious Diseases Society of America, Los Angeles, CA, (October 19, 2024). - Poster
Nandi, T. (Author & Presenter), Pawlowski, M. (Author & Presenter), Pontefract, B. (Author), Klepser, M. E. (Author), Sohn, M., West Michigan Regional Undergraduate Research Symposium (WMRUGS), "Prescribing Patterns for Clostridioides difficile Treatment in Outpatient Setting using the Collaboration to Harmonize Antimicrobial Registry Measures (CHARM)," Van Andel Institute, Grand Rapids, MI, (November 2, 2024). - Poster
Swailes, J. (Author & Presenter), Lakatos, C. (Author & Presenter), Dahal, K. (Author), Klepser, M. E. (Author), Sohn, M., ASHP Midyear, "Use of Collaboration to Harmonize Antimicrobial Registry Measure (CHARM) to Track and Assess the Appropriate Treatment for Upper Respiratory Infection HEDIS Measure (URI)," American Society of Health-system Pharmacists, New Orleans, LA, (December 9, 2024).