220 Ferris Drive
Rm. 201
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2252
Lisa M. Meny, PharmD

Accreditation and Assessment Coordinator
Pharmacy Practice
Phone: (616) 643-1133
Email: [email protected]
- PharmD, Ferris State University, Pharmacy
Graduate/Post-Graduate Training
- Residency, PGY-1 Community Pharmacy Practice Residency, Meijer/Pfizer/Ferris, Grand Rapids, MI, United States
Lisa Meny, PharmD, is Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Accreditation and Assessment Coordinator at the Ferris State University College of Pharmacy. Before her role in assessment, she served as Experiential Coordinator focusing on community practice and experiential assessment. She chairs the College’s Accreditation and Assessment committee while serving on numerous committees, including the Curriculum and Admissions committees. Lisa is a member of the College’s Executive Committee and represents the college of pharmacy on the University Assessment Committee. Since 2016, Lisa has spearheaded the college’s accreditation processes including chairing the current self-study resulting in full accreditation in 2024. She developed a PGY1 community practice residency program with SpartanNash and Ferris State University and has served as the RPD since inception in 2013. She has successfully led this program through two accreditation cycles. Lisa has been an active AACP member in the experiential education section, the assessment SIG, and the academy at large. From 2018-2022, she was chair of the EES Strategic Planning Committee where she led a team in developing and implementing a new strategic planning process aligned with the AACP strategic plan. Within EES, she has also served on the programming committee and is currently serving on the webinar committee. In the assessment SIG, Lisa serves as an at-large memebr of the assessment SIG executive committee and chair of the strategic planning committee. Lisa has also served on the scholarship and programming committee. Lisa has presented nationally and internationally in interprofessional education, curricular assessment, and continuous quality improvement. In addition to her professional responsibilities, she is passionate about spending time with her husband, three daughters, and goldendoodle Sherman.
Publications and Intellectual Contributions
- Journal Article
Chen AMH, Blakely, M. L., Daugherty, K. K., Kiersma, M. E., Meny, L. M., Pereira, R. (2024). "Meaningful Connections: Exploring the Relationship Between Empathy and Professional Identity Formation." American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 88 (8). p. 100725. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. https://www.ajpe.org/article/S0002-9459(24)10444-5/pdf - Journal Article
Newman, K., Richter, L. M., Meny, L. M., Arnoldi, J., Danielson, J. (2023). "A Mixed-Methods Analysis of the Promotion and Tenure Process for Experiential Education Faculty," American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 87 Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajpe.2023.100582 - Journal Article
VanLangen, K. M., Schmidt, K., Sohn, M., Meny, L. M., Bright, D. R. (2022). "Development of an APPE Readiness Assessment Plan: Initial Evaluation and Next Steps," American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. - Commentary
Meny, L. M. (2022). "Moving AACP Curriculum Quality Survey Results from Good to Great," American Journal of Pharmacy Education. 87 (3). Alexandria, VA: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. https://www.ajpe.org/content/early/2022/11/01/ajpe9004 - Commentary
Moore, G., Bradley-Baker, L. R., Gandhi, N., Ginsburg, D. B., Hess, K., Kebodeaux, C., Lounsbery, J. L., Meny, L. M., Tanner, E. K., Lin, A. (2022). "Pharmacists Are Not Mid-Level Providers." American journal of pharmaceutical education. 86 (3). p. 8556. - Journal Article
Moore, G., Burns, A. L., Fish, H., Gandhi, N., Ginsburg, D. B., Hess, K., Kebodeaux, C., Lounsbery, J. L., Meny, L. M., Policastri, A., Shimoda, M. G., Tanner, E. K., Bradley-Baker, L. R. (2021). "The Report of the 2020-2021 Professional Affairs Standing Committee: Pharmacists' Unique Role and Integration in Healthcare Settings." American journal of pharmaceutical education. 85 (10). p. 8720. - Journal Article
VanLangen, K. M., Sahr, M., Salvati, L. A., Meny, L. M., Bright, D. R., Sohn, M. (2021). "Viability of Virtual Skills-Based Assessments Focused on Communication," American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 85 (7). - Journal Article
Meny, L. M., Seiferlein, M. R., Chen, A. M. (2021). "Faculty Perceptions of a Town Hall Model for Engagement in Data-Driven Decision Making," Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. 13 (8). Elsevier. - Journal Article
Salvati, L. A., Meny, L. M., deVoest, M., Bright, D. R., Vavra Janes, K. L., Young, M., Kelsh, S., Kelly (Sahr), M., Wellman, G. S. (2020). "Assessing the Validity and Reliability of the Pharmacist Interprofessional Competencies Tool (PICT)," American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. Alexandria, Virginia: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. - Journal Article
VanLangen, K. M., Meny, L. M., Bright, D. R., Seiferlein, M. R., Philip, A., Sharma, R., DiVall, M. (2020). "An Initial Environmental Scan of APPE Readiness Assessment," Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning.
- Poster
Meny, L. M., Castleberry, A. (Author), Acosta, R. (Author), AACP Annual Meeting, "If You Build it they Will Come: A New Course for Struggling Students," American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Boston, MA, (July 2024). - Oral Presentation
Meny, L. M., Annual Preceptor Conference, "Promoting Growth Mindsets and Wellbeing in Preceptors and Students," Ferris State University College of Pharmacy, Grand Rapids, MI, (July 2024). - Oral Presentation
Meny, L. M., AACP Annual Meeting, "Organizational Effectiveness: Redefining Doing More with Less," American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Boston, MA, (July 18, 2024). - Oral Presentation
Meny, L. M., Michigan Society of Health-System Pharmacists Annual Meeting, "Inclusion of SDoH Education in Pharmacy Training Programs," Michigan SOciety of Health-Systems Pharmacists, Lansing, MI, (October 27, 2023). - Poster
Chen, A. M. (Author), Blakely, M. L. (Author), Meny, L. M. (Author), Daugherty, K. K. (Author), Kiersma, M. (Author), Pereira, R. (Author), AACP Annual Meeting, "A systematic review exploring the linkages between empathy development and professional identify formation," American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Aurora, Colorado, (July 24, 2023). - Oral Presentation
Meny, L. M. (Author & Presenter), Franks, A. (Author & Presenter), Fulford, M. (Author & Presenter), AACP Annual Meeting, "The Triangle of Trust: Toward a Framework of Entrustable Inclusive Leadership in Pharmacy Education," American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Aurora, Colorado, (July 24, 2023). - Oral Presentation
Meny, L. M. (Author & Presenter), Annual Preceptor Conference, "Inclusive Experiential Learning Environments," Ferris State University, (July 19, 2023). - Poster
Bouthillier, M. (Author & Presenter), Schmidt, K. (Author), Meny, L. M. (Author), Research Day 2022, "Warm Handoff" of Students Between Clinical Experiential Education Blocks," Spectrum Health Office of Research and Education, Grand Rapids, Michigan, (April 13, 2022). - Poster
Meny, L. M. (Author), Wellman, G. S. (Author), American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, "COVID-19 Vaccination as a Predictor of Influenza Vaccination Status," American Pharmacists Association, San Antonio, Texas, (March 2022). - Oral Presentation
Meny, L. M. (Author & Presenter), Fulford, M. (Author & Presenter), Franks, A. (Author & Presenter), AACP Annual Meeting, "For Wellness Sake, We Need Equity-Minded Faculty Workloads Right Now," American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Grapevine, Texas, (July 25, 2022).