Lighthouse Summer Symposium
IRC 134
1301 S. State Street
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2450
[email protected]
July 20th & 21st, 2018
Annually, Lighthouse focuses on select TESOL topics. The attendees engage in workshop-style sessions in a collegial atmosphere, where innovative best practices are explored and professional camaraderie is fostered.
This year’s symposium will focus on various pedagogical aspects related to the teaching of grammar to non-native English Learners. As in the past five years, Lighthouse will be hosting world-renowned keynote presenters.
Keynote Presenter: Dr. Diane Larsen-Freeman
Diane Larsen-Freeman (Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Michigan) is Professor Emerita, Research Scientist Emerita, and former Director of the English Language Institute
at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She is also a Professor Emerita at the Graduate
SIT Institute in Brattleboro, Vermont and a Visiting Senior Fellow at the University
of Pennsylvania. Her most recent books are Teaching Language: From Grammar to Grammaring
(2003), Complex Systems and Applied Linguistics (2008, with L. Cameron), winner of
the Modern Language Association’s Kenneth Mildenberger Book Prize, the third edition
of Techniques and Principles (2011, with M. Anderson), and the third edition of The
Grammar Book, Form, Meaning, and Use for English Language Teachers (2015, with M.
Celce-Murcia). She is also Series Director for the student textbook series Grammar
dimensions: Form Meaning and Use. She is currently Chair of the Board of the journal
Language Learning, which she earlier edited for five years.
View full schedule for the 6th Annual Lighthouse Symposium.