200 Ferris Drive
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2270
[email protected]
Student progression in the BSRT completion program is determined academically by achieving a minimum grade of “C” in each program course and maintaining at least a 2.5 grade point average each semester. No more than one course may be repeated throughout the curriculum. A second unsuccessful attempt (grade of less than C) in the same course, or any other failure to meet the progression policy, results in termination of the student’s placement in the BSRT completion program. Student progression includes completion of all requirements within 5 years of admission.
Students who have one unsuccessful attempt in a BSRT completion program course, reflected as a grade of less than “C”, may repeat the course the next time it is offered on a space available basis. A second unsuccessful attempt of a course, or failure to meet the progression policy, results in termination of the student’s placement in the BSRT completion program curriculum.
Students who were previously enrolled in the BSRT completion program and are eligible for readmission, may re-enter the program at any time with the understanding that they will need to meet the academic requirements of the program that are in place at the time of re-entry. One re-admission will be allowed. Students must reapply on-line.
Students seeking to withdraw from the BSRT completion program are strongly encouraged to meet with their advisor or program coordinator. To voluntarily withdraw a student must notify in writing, the program coordinator prior to withdrawing.