Office of the President
1201 S. State Street
Timme Center, CSS 301
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Stephanie Augustine
Nick Campau
Hannah Crouch
Jason DaDay
Megan Eppley
Teresa Fogel
Sandy Gholston, co-chair
Carla Hatfield
Fredericka Hayes
Lauren Hitt
Emmanuel Jadhav
Kim Kleeves
Fonda Kuzee, co-chair
Laurie Millen
Lisa Ortiz
Jennifer Saladin
Jennie Stange
Jennifer Thede
Open, student representative
Faculty, staff and students are welcome to inquire about joining the Pride Committee.
Anyone interested is welcomed to join to bring fresh ideas and perspectives to champion
and recognize pride in being Bulldogs of Ferris State University. Email the Pride Committee to learn about joining.
Revised: September 2022