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Trademark Use by Registered Student Organizations and Club Sports

Registered Student Organizations and Club Sports are not required to identify themselves with the university, but Ferris State University provides two options (see below) for RSOs and Club Sports that are in good standing and do wish to identify themselves with the university by using elements of its brand, including its colors, name and trademarks. University trademarks include the bulldog graphic, the flame logo, and the language “Ferris State University®,” “FerrisTM,” “Ferris StateTM,” “FSUTM” and “BulldogsTM.”

RSOs and Club Sports that wish to identify with the university must use a production vendor that is licensed to reproduce Ferris trademarks. For a list of licensed vendors, visit Affinity Licensing.

RSOs and Club Sports must verify that vendors are included on this list before beginning services with them. Unlicensed vendors will not be permitted to reproduce university trademarks for RSO and Club Sport clients, even if the RSO or Club Sport has pre-paid for design services or products.

RSOs and Club Sports that wish to identify themselves with the university may choose one of the two options below:

1. Using a Trademarked Graphic

RSOs and Club Sports that wish to identify themselves with a university graphic and do not want to use any other language or graphics in their item’s design may have a licensed vendor use the RSO or Club Sport graphic template, placing the organization’s name in the template on the top line of the design:

University Graphic for RSOs and Club SportsExample of University Graphic for RSO Designs  

All licensed vendors have access to this graphic through the university’s artwork pack in its trademark approval system, Trademarx Online. RSOs and Club Sports working with vendors should refer vendors to Trademarx Online to obtain the RSO and Club Sport graphic templates, and to this webpage for more information.

This is the only university graphic that RSOs and Club Sports may use, and they may not otherwise modify this graphic or include any other graphic elements or language in their item’s design.

***Game Day Exception***

Club Sports representing the university in official competitions have limited permission to produce items using other university trademarks, such as a standalone bulldog graphic for the front of a team jersey.

Game Day Exeption Example for Club Sports Teams

Requests for Game Day exceptions must be approved by email to [email protected] and [email protected] in advance of ordering with a vendor, and they must feature the Club Sport graphic in another location in the design, such as on a sleeve.

Items approved under the Game Day exception may only be used by members of the club during the competition.

RSOs and Club Sports must use the organization’s name as it appears on their registration form with the Center for Leadership, Activities and Career Services when having a vendor add it to the graphic template.

RSOs and Club Sports that use this graphic may have vendors produce it on the following background colors only: Ferris Crimson (Pantone 200), Ferris Gold (Pantone 123), black, gray, khaki and white.

2. Using the University Name with Independent Graphics or Language

RSOs and Club Sports that wish to use independent graphics or language (such as their own graphics or the logos of their affiliate national organization) are welcome to identify the university by name in their item’s design using one of the following phrases in a reasonably readable typeface:

“a Registered Student Organization at Ferris State UniversityTM

“an Official Club Sport at Ferris State UniversityTM

Example of RSO Shirt Using Independent Graphic

RSOs and Club Sports may use this phrase in combination with independent graphics or language but may not use any other university trademarks in combination with independent graphics.

If independent language or graphics are used, RSOs and Club Sports are asked not to have vendors use Ferris Crimson or Ferris Gold as imprint or background colors.

Design Review

Vendors creating designs for RSOs and Club Sports submit them through the Trademarx Online system for approval by staff in the university’s Marketing Communications office.

Submissions will be reviewed within two business days of upload to the system. Approved submissions are sent into production. If there is a problem with a submission, the vendor will receive notification and follow up with the RSO or Club Sport client to make any changes needed and then resubmit the design.

Product Considerations

Ferris State University prohibits use of any of its trademarks, including the RSO and Club Sport graphic templates and phrases containing the university’s trademarked name, on certain products including (but not limited to) weaponry, products that are sexual in nature and products designed specifically for the consumption of controlled or illicit substances. RSOs and Club Sports that are concerned that products they intend to order may be prohibited should contact [email protected] prior to beginning work with a vendor.

Royalty Waiver

Items produced by RSOs and Club Sports for fundraising purposes may be eligible for royalty-free production, which sometimes reduces the cost of imprinting services. RSOs and Club Sports should inquire with their selected vendors.

More Information

Ferris State University’s Trademark and Licensing Policy

Ferris Visual Identity and Brand Standards

Application for license