Human Resources
420 Oak Street
Prakken 150
Big Rapids, MI 49307
[email protected]
Set up an appointment with Human Resources to get more information and begin the process.
Contact information to set up an appointment:
Human Resources
[email protected]
A medical emergency is an injury or illness that is acute (rapid onset) and poses an immediate risk to your life or long term health. If you need an ambulance or have an urgent condition that only a hospital is equipped to treat, go to the emergency room. If the Birkam Health Center (or Med-1) is closed and you have an urgent condition; such as a burn or laceration severe enough to require immediate professional medical care, go to the emergency room. During normal business hours, the Birkam Health Center and Med-1 are equipped to treat burns, lacerations, sprains, strains, illnesses and provide follow up care. Report all incidents to your supervisor immediately.
All employees of Ferris State University.
An injury that “arises out of and in the course of employment”. In other words, the condition must be caused by your job while doing your job. The injury or illness must not be caused by the employee’s intentional or willful misconduct. Services must be reasonable, related to the injury and provided by a professional that is licensed.
According to State law, in the first 28 days following injury or illness, the employer chooses the health care provider, after 28 days, the employee may transfer to a doctor of their choice by notifying the University by filling out the Intent to Treat form.
The University directs the medical care for the first 28 days of treatment. After that, you may complete an Intent to Treat form and turn it in to the SHERM Office located in Prakken 150.
Worker’s comp does not pay for time-off for your appointments. However, you will be paid for your full shift on the day of injury. You can use your accrued leave time.
Yes and No. If you are disabled by the medical provider, during the first week following injury you may use accrued sick or vacation time, up to 40 hours. You may also qualify for wage loss benefits under Worker’s Compensation, depending on the duration of your disability. You may also choose to not use your accrued leave time.
Health insurance continues based on your job classification or union contract. You are still responsible for your portion of the premiums.
Ferris State University regards your worker’s compensation records as confidential, however, it is important to note that worker’s compensation records are not protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
In Big Rapids, Birkam Health Center will provide your follow-up care after a visit to the ER. In Grand Rapids, Med1 will provide your follow-up care after a visit to the ER.
Mike McKay, (231) 591-2147