Human Resources
420 Oak Street
Prakken 150
Big Rapids, MI 49307
[email protected]
Covered Employees
If you are not sure which leave type applies to your situation or have questions about any of these types of leave, please call the Human Resources Benefits staff at 231-591-2077 or 231-591-3874 or email them at [email protected].
Bargaining unit employees are covered by the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining unit agreement CBA. Please refer to the CBA for details.
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) as amended gives eligible University employees the right to take a leave for all qualifying reasons except a Military Caregiver Leave, for a period of up to 12 work weeks in a 12-month period, or for Military Caregiver leave, up to 26 work weeks in a single 12-month period. Whether the leave is paid or unpaid is determined by whether the employee has accrued appropriate employee benefits.
Covered Employees
Bargaining unit employees are covered by the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining unit agreement CBA. Please refer to the CBA for details.
University employees will be granted time off to fulfill their required obligations to serve on Jury Duty. Jury Duty leave is unpaid unless the employee meets the eligibility under the Jury Duty Pay Sec. 6-707
Covered Employees
Bargaining unit employees are covered by the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining unit agreement CBA. Please refer to the CBA for details.
A medical leave of absence shall be granted to full-time and eligible part-time employees upon application. Time off for a medical leave of absence may be with or without pay, depending on whether the employee has accrued sick days and/or is eligible for short term or long term disability benefits, or workers compensation. This leave will run concurrent with any applicable FMLA leave.
For non-bargaining unit employees, a medical leave of absence may be approved for up to a two (2) year period. If an employee cannot return to work at the end of the designated length of the medical leave of absence, his/her employment status will be terminated.
Covered Employees
Bargaining unit employees are covered by the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining unit agreement CBA. Please refer to the CBA for details.
All University employees required to perform military service will be granted a leave of absence for training or active duty. Military leave is unpaid unless the employee is eligible for Military Duty Pay under Sec. 6-708, Military Duty Pay.
Covered Employees
Bargaining unit employees are covered by the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining unit agreement CBA. Please refer to the CBA for details.
An employee who (1) is engaged in political activities which interfere with the employee's commitment of adequate time and effort to the performance of his or her employment obligations to the University, (2) or who is elected or appointed to a full-time governmental position or to a part-time governmental position that is incompatible with or creates a conflict of interest with University employment may obtain a leave of absence without pay (to the extent permitted by law) for a period of not to exceed two years.
An employee who (1) is engaged in political activities which interfere with the employee's commitment of adequate time and effort to the performance of his or her employment obligations to the University,(2) is elected or appointed to any full-time national, State, district, county, city, village, township, school district, or other local elective office, or (3) is elected or appointed to any part-time national, State, district, county, city, village, township, school district, or other local elective office which is incompatible or creates a conflict of interest with the employee's University employment shall either request and obtain, in writing, a leave of absence without pay (to the extent permitted by law) not to exceed a period of more than two (2) years, or resign their employment.
Covered Employees
Bargaining unit employees are covered by the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining unit agreement CBA. Please refer to the CBA for details.
Administrative employees are eligible to request a Sabbatical Leave under the terms of this policy. Employees will be granted salary and benefit continuation (in the same manner as if the employee was working) for an approved sabbatical leave if such leave is requested of the employee by the University in order for the employee to pursue training or other work experience which would further the effectiveness of the work of the employee at the University, or if such leave is requested by the employee for the purpose of continued study or specialized professional work experience which will benefit the University and is approved by the President.
a) Compensation granted during a period of Sabbatical Leave shall be full salary for a leave of one (1) to three (3) months' duration, three-fourths (3/4) regular salary for the entire duration of a sabbatical leave of four (4) to six (6) months, and two-thirds (2/3) regular salary for the entire duration of a sabbatical leave of more than 6 months and up to one year.
b) In the event the employee is to be engaged in remunerative employment of any kind during the period of time covered by a Sabbatical Leave, the President shall determine, at the time the sabbatical is granted, the rate of compensation to be paid by the University, not to exceed the limits set forth above, with due consideration being given to additional expenses incurred by the staff member during the Sabbatical Leave.
Unpaid Personal Leave Policy Link
Covered Employees
Bargaining unit employees are covered by the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining unit agreement CBA. Please refer to the CBA for details.
Full-time non-bargaining unit employees may request up to thirty (30) calendar days off from work for a personal reason not covered under the terms of the Family and Medical Leave Act.