Is my project "research" that requires IRB Review?
Before submitting an application to the IRB for review, you must first determine if your project is research, according to the federal definition (45 CFR 46.102(d)). In order for projects to be considered human subject research, it must develop or intend to contribute to the generalizable knowledge. If you wish to publish your project, the IRB should review your proposed activity and send an official determination letter.
The following items can be used to assist in determining if a project is research:
Decision Charts from the Office of Human Research Protections
Quality Improvement FAQs from the Office of Human Research Protections
Guidance on Student Research, Capstone Projects, and Theses from the Ferris IRB
Is it Research? Do I need IRB Review? Ferris IRB Educational Video, March 2021
If you are unsure if your project involving human subjects or human subject data/specimens requires IRB review, contact the IRB for assistance.