4.1. Regular feedback about student performance provided in a timely manner frequently
throughout the course.
4.2. Each learning module includes multiple feedback opportunities to promote student
4.3. Learning modules include asynchronous, interactive communicationstrategies to promote
higher order thinking (e.g. critical reflection in a discussion forum) across learning
4.4. Multiple activities structured to promote students' application of concepts and skills
in realistic, relevant ways to engage with the community.
4.5. Assignments effectively use external resources to facilitate inquiry and active learning,
e.g., virtual library, simulations, gaming, and other web-based resources.
4.6. Learning community deliberately structured using such strategies as discussion boards,
group projects, group problem-solving, discussion of assignments, activities, or other
collaborative activities, as applicable to the course.
4.7. Learning activities foster instructor-student, student-student, and/or student-community
interaction and collaboration (e.g. introductions, discussion, group projects, service
4.8. Students encouraged to form their own independent study and work groups for learning
course content.
4.9. Multiple mechanisms in place for students to give instructor and course feedback,
including formal, informal, and anonymous options.