The David L. Eisler Center will serve as the center for all member of the University
community - students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests. The David L. Eisler Center
will provide services and programs that foster intentional engagement and collaboration.
Ethical Community: we will value the dignity of each member of the University community and treat everyone
with respect. Our actions will be guided by fairness, honesty, and integrity.
Diversity: we will value an open exchange of ideas while respecting each individual regardless
of sex, race, creed, age, national origin, physical ability, or sexual orientation.
Collaboration: we will value student, faculty, staff, and local community partnerships that promote
the personal and educational development of our students and the communities in which
we serve.
Opportunity: we will provide opportunities for civic engagement, leadership development, advancement,
and success in our services, events, and activities.
History and Traditions: we will value the role we play in preserving and promoting the traditions of Ferris
State University in the David L. Eisler Center.
Ferris State University's Mission Statement and Values