If you are planning to complete additional college coursework, you must provide updated
transcripts for evaluation, as your current college will not automatically send another
Grades earned at another college that are C- or below are not accepted by Ferris and
credit hours are not granted for them. Exception would be if you have satisfied the
MTA or MACRAO requirements from your transfer location. Please note that programmatic
requirements and prerequisites override the University policy to accept grades lower
than a C. Please read the requirements noted on your program literature and contact
your program directly if you have further questions.
Credit is granted only once per course. If a course is repeated, the best grade stands.
Courses that transfer to FSU at below the 100 level do not count toward graduation
and credit hours are not granted for them.
If a course that Ferris accepts has fewer credits than the Ferris requirement, you
may need to take additional courses to fulfill the minimum graduation credit requirements
of your program.