200 Ferris Drive
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2270
[email protected]
All new students accepted by the College of Health Professions (COHP) clinical programs are admitted as a qualifying student for our programs that require a clinical. COHP accepts a limited number of students who qualify into these programs. There are specific qualification criteria to assure adequate preparation prior to entrance into the profession/clinical sequence of courses for the program.
Students are required to meet the qualifications and apply to the clinical phase of the program, for the following:
The program limitations are based on the availability of clinical or internship sites, as well as the individual program accreditation and state regulatory agencies that provide guidelines for class size. COHP clinical programs are popular and the demand is high for many of them. COHP will admit any student who meets the qualification criteria for their selected program as space becomes available. Due to the demand, some programs may have a 1, 2, or 3 year wait from the time you qualify before you begin the clinical /professional phase of the program. Please be advised there is not a wait list, students MUST reapply each year for consideration.
As a qualifying student, your first priority is to meet the program qualification requirements. While you might not be admitted into the clinical sequence after your first application, you can still make progress toward graduation by completing the general education requirements for your degree.
The link below will give you details as to what the qualifications are and outline some common Q&A regarding the application process. Make sure to review this material and if you have questions, contact one of our academic advisors in the College of Health Professions.
You will start the clinical/ professional phase of the program in the next academic year.
You may schedule an appointment to meet one-on-one with your advisor finding your assigned advisor in Navigate360. Contact your assigned advisor for additional meeting options.
Review Admissions to the Clinical Programs or feel free to contact one of the clinical program advisors in the College of Health Professions:
College of Health Professions
(231) 591-2270
[email protected]