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Timme Grants Program Guidelines

Who is eligible and for what purposes?

  • All faculty – full-time, part-time, tenure-track, and non-tenure track – are eligible for Timme Grant and Just-in-Time Funding awards.
  • The Timme Grants Program and Just-in-Time Funding Program support faculty participation in conferences, symposia, workshops, and other professional development or scholarly opportunities.
  • In a given funding period, awards will be limited to no more than three faculty traveling to the same event.
  • A faculty member can receive only one award in a given funding period.
  • These funds cannot be used to underwrite travel costs associated with Study Abroad programs, courses, or other related opportunities.

What should be considered when preparing and submitting an application?

  • The Timme Grants Review Committee will use this rubric to evaluate your application; we encourage you to use it when preparing your application. The review is not a blind review.
  • A faculty member who receives funding from either or both programs and plans to submit a new application to attend the same conference, symposium, etc., must submit an application that is different from the previous application. Applications that do not meet this criterion will not be reviewed by the Committee. An application that is different is one in which the response to each of the four "Supporting Narrative" questions differs from that provided in the previously funded application(s).
  • If faculty members are co-presenters or simply attending the same event, each must submit an original and independently-written application.
  • Please submit for review only a completed application and, if appropriate, documentation as requested in the application form. Additional documentation such as letters of support will not be considered by the Timme Grants Review Committee.
  • Only completed applications with necessary approvals received on or before the deadline will be reviewed by the Timme Grants Review Committee.
  • While the Timme Grants Review Committee recognizes the value of networking at, for example, a conference or convention, the Committee will disregard references in an application to networking or networking-type activities. The Review Committee believes there are other ways to demonstrate the value of participating in the professional development or scholarly opportunity.
  • When writing a response to any given Supporting Narrative question, please do not simply reference or point to information provided in another question. If that information is relevant to the Supporting Narrative question at hand, provide it again. The Review Committee will not seek out information provided in other questions.
  • Each semester, FCTL offers two sessions that are designed to help faculty prepare a successful application. Information about these sessions is available from FCTL. Please contact us at [email protected] or call 231.591.3541.