You Can Earn Credit For What You Know
Ferris State University offers you a great opportunity to earn course credit for prior learning through our College Credit-by-Exam Program.
The concept is simple. We offer 30 national College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)* tests to provide you with the possibility of earning credit in academic areas commonly studied by college freshmen.
No matter where, or when, or how you learned, you may participate in the program. If you perform well enough, you will realize an array of benefits:
- You will receive credit for certain courses.
- You will pay no tuition for credits earned; only a $118 (subject to change) per test fee.
- You will avoid duplication of previous academic work.
- You may reduce the length of your academic program; therefore, reduce your overall college expenses.
- You may advance your class standing and register for classes earlier.
The only risk you take is one of not earning credits. Of course, Ferris cannot guarantee your success. But, if you have a 3.00 (B) high school grade point average or if you have an ACT Composite score of 24 or above or an SAT score of 1200, your chance of earning some credit is good.
*The College-Level Examination Program and CLEP are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board.
Send questions regarding CLEP score reports to [email protected] or call (231) 591-2792.