McKessy House
120 Cedar Street
Big Rapids, Michigan 49307-2202
Phone: (231) 591-3894
Fax: (231) 591-2086
HIPPA Model Business Association Agreements (BAA)
Health Care Components - University Eye Center, Dental Hygiene Center, Ferris Pharmacy Care Clinic and Birkham Health Center
BAA - For use when there is no written agreement with the business associate.
BAA Addendum - For use with a new agreement or an existing agreement with a business associate
Health Plan Sponsor - Human Resources (HR)
BAA - For use when there is no written agreement with the business associate.
BAA Addendum - For use with a new agreement or with an existing agreement with a business associate.
Health Care Components and Health Plan Sponsor
BAA - For use when there is no written agreement with business associate.