820 Campus Drive
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-5438
[email protected]
Blank Page after logging into MyDegree
Problem: After you Login to MyDegree the screen is blank. The most common cause is the Web
browser pop-up blockers are blocking the page.
Solution: Turn off your pop-up blockers.
Blank Page when using the Planner function
Problem: If you have Firefox 55 (or later) installed on your computer (Mac or PC), you will
not be able to access the Planner as these versions of Firefox are not compatible
with the Planner.
Solution: There is no known fix at this time.
Error on Planner using Internet Explorer
Problem: For those users currently running Windows 10 operating system and using the Web browser
Internet Explorer, there is a problem when dragging and dropping classes onto the
Planner. When you drag/drop the class to the Planner the link to the class shows up
instead of the class.
Solution: There are two solutions: