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Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-5438
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The student planner feature allows students and advisors to create a long-term plan for degree completion and verify that the courses included on the plan will fulfill the degree requirements, along with the sequence and term in which they are to be taken. An audit can be run against the plan to see if it will lead the student successfully to graduation.
The notes feature allows advisors to either use predefined or personalized notes to help summarize and keep track of the conversation during the advising appointment. Notes can also summarize what career goals the student has to help the student reach the goals. They may have to choose directed electives, a concentration, minor, etc. Notes may be viewed by all advisors, which will be helpful should the student decide to switch their program of study.
Students and advisors are able click on a course still needed in their audit and a window will open listing the course title, course description, sections of that course that are being offered in an upcoming semester, and locations where the course could be taken at another institution.
If a student needs to change their major, declare a second major, a concentration, minor, or a host of other activities that would change their degree requirements, the “What If” tool will allow the student to see exactly how their earned college credits apply to a Ferris degree program. This often will help a student in making a decision regarding their career path and what degree will work best to achieve their goals.
The GPA calculator allows the prediction of a student’s grade point average based on the anticipated grades in the current semester. It can also present various options for raising the grade point average to a specific level. There are three (3) different types of GPA calculators available 1. Graduation, which determines what is needed to reach the desired GPA when graduating 2. Term, which allows students to set goals for specific classes in the current term 3. Advice, which shows how many credits of a certain grade are required for a student to reach their desired GPA.